Page 404 - עידן האימפריות
P. 404
7. Government and Administrative Centers Parallel to Ramat 205
Raḥel in Moab and Ammon 211
8. The Place of Ramat Raḥel in the Administrative System of the 214
Judean Stamped Jars in View of the Findings of the lmlk
Stamp Impressions and the Concentric Circle Incisions
9. The Place of Ramat Raḥel in the Administrative System of the
Judean Stamped Jars in View of the Findings of the Rosette
Stamp Impressions
G. The Biblical Bath and the Volume of the Judahite Storage Jars 216
Introduction 216
1. Initial Attempts to Calculate the Volume of the Biblical bath 221
2. Recent Attempts to Reconstruct the Volume of the
Biblical bath 225
3. Problems with the Postulations according to which the
Administrative System in the Ancient Near East Needed
to Know the Accurate Capacity of the Liquid in the Jars 228
4. The Biblical bath as a lmlk Jar 230
Summary 235
H. The Various Systems of the Stamp Impressions on Jars in Their
Chronological, Historical, and Archaeological Context and Their
Contribution to the Understanding of Judah’s History 237
1. Judah’s Status as an Assyrian Vassal Kingdom as the Historical
Background of the Beginning of the lmlk Stamp Impression
System on Jar Handles 237
2. The lmlk Stamp Impressions and the Concentric Circle Incisions
and Their Significance for Understanding the Economic and
Demographic Crisis after Sennacherib’s Campaign 243
3. The Rosette Stamp Impressions and ‘the Archeology of the
Days of Josiah’ 253
4. The Lion Stamp Impressions and ‘the Myth of the Empty
Land’ 265
5. The yhwd Stamp Impressions, the Development Process of
the Jar Administration in the Persian Period and its Further
Existence in the Hellenistic Period 272