Page 12 - Print 21 Magazine Sep-Oct 2018
P. 12

Cover - Innovation Days from Screen and Jet Technologies
The narrow web industry will benefit from a series of high level briefings from leading suppliers to the industry, Screen and Jet Technologies. To be held in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland the briefings will look at the emerging opportunities in narrow web, the market data that is supporting the growth sectors, new technologies, and the numbers that make digital such a compelling proposition.
14 Long way to the top
AAB boss Wayne Finkelde speaks to Patrick Howard on the pragmatism of growing a print business.
40 Solutions of grandeur
18 LIVE looks at packaging
The godfather of Aussie wide-format, Keith Ferrell, shares his insights on the grandest of digital printing with Jake Nelson.
Let the sunshine in
Printed solar panels make their commercial debut in Newcastle, paving the way for the brave new world of
46 functional print.
Adding value
Andy McCourt delves into the art of enhancing your print – and how it can enhance your bottom line
48 as well.
Keys to the future
As digital label press sales outpace conventional, Wayne Robinson looks into an evolving industry at
56 FPLMA’s annual forum.
Print21 and PKN team up to look into the future at the inaugural joint LIVE event.
22 Print typhoon in Japan
Patrick Howard travels
to the Land of the Rising Sun to see all the latest technology at IGAS 2018.
34 Ricoh in Thailand Ricoh flies the biggest-
ever group to its Customer Experience Centre in Thailand, and Jake Nelson braves the rainy season
to see it.
september | october 2018

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