Page 17 - Food & Drink Business August 2018
P. 17

most respondents said they had consumed a soft drink in the last two weeks while fruit drinks, cordial and flavoured milk also appeared prominently.
Of particular interest to brands fending off competition is the fact that coconut water, sports drinks and iced tea are consumed by respondents who consider their diets to be either healthy or very healthy.
At Fruit Juice Australia,
a division of the Australian Beverages Council, we are buoyed by some of the latest research which corroborates the steps our members are taking to keep ahead of the consumer curve.
The majority of industry data continue to emphasise our activities on the nutritional benefits of juice and our support for the domestic juice processing industry, which is promising news in a demanding environment. ✷
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Geoff Parker is the CEO of the Australian Beverages Council.
The Australian Beverages Council introduced a dedicated juice division, Fruit Juice Australia
(FJA), in 2009 and a dedicated water division, the Australasian Bottled Water Institute (ABWI), in 2011.
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