Page 31 - Wood Review Dec 202 Full issue
P. 31

   groove is rebated on a small section so the boards can slide in and then move to the sides (see fig.1), before a locking piece is inserted. In this way all but one of the boards are completely surrounded by grooves.
The back is also made from red cedar panels joined with mahogany splines (photo 18). The splines are glued to one panel and without glue on the other, like a tongue and groove joint.
Each board is individually fitted so the gaps between them are even.
After the first few coats of thin shellac I used pumice to fill the grain
before applying another 9–10 coats and then fitting the pulls.
The pulls are the most difficult parts for me to design as they can make a piece, or destroy it. The size, the colour, how they are attached – everything has to be taken into account.
Here I made small Shaker style
pulls and this is the only time I used a machine, a small lathe. I used African blackwood and finished them with steel wool and wax while they were on the lathe. They are fitted with contrasting holly wedges. A small circle of abalone was inlayed into the door pull.
My decision to work only with hand tools has to do with enjoying their performance and precision, and
also reflects my frustration with low cost machines. Also, given that my workshop is next door to my home, using hand tools allows me to work at any time of the day I choose.
Photos: Israel Martin
Israel Martin lives in Cantabria in northern Spain, works to commission and teaches hand tool woodworking. Apart
from some short workshops
with Garrett Hack he is self taught and honed his skills building his own
workshop, workbench and some of his tools. Learn more at and Instagram @lacabraenlaescalera 31

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