Page 82 - Wood Review Dec 202 Full issue
P. 82

Australian Wood Review
Grouping these machines around the dust collector has allowed short runs of hose for more efficient suction and the in- and out-feed access I wanted.
Task lights at almost every workstation improve safety and accuracy.
space to do what you have to do? Is it feeling enjoyable or annoying? How can you tweak it? Don’t worry, you may not have to go back to the drawing board. Oftentimes you can change a few small things in the space to make things better.
I am happy to say that I love working in my shop. After 20 years of basement and garage shops, I’m fortunate to now have a stand-alone building that is temperature controlled and a great size for the way I work. I chose to paint the walls and doors colours that are pleasing to me, which in turn makes the space more inviting and comfortable to work in. I hung some posters and all sorts of memorabilia for a real personal touch. Just as we grow and change, your space will likely change over the years as your woodworking evolves, and that’s okay. Try different things and try different tools. I personally like to change things up every couple of years just to keep things fresh and interesting. Ultimately, no matter what, do your best to make the space yours and you will enjoy woodworking even more.
Photos: Vic Tesolin
Vic Tesolin is a furniture maker who lives and teaches woodwork in Burlington, ON Canada. A sequel to his book The Minimalist Woodworker will be published
in 2021. Learn more at

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