Page 142 - July ONLINE VERSION
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I would sing. Again, mom was right, and after a few feel her body nervously or calmly depending on the
drinks, I hit that mic in front of my first audience. type of song I’m singing.
That was sometime in 2019, and I have never looked
back. Wait, have I said my mom was right twice now? ZGP: Other than the musically inclined
snake, what other animals do you have?
HW: I have a 10-year-old German Shepherd and a
Love her or hate her, this one-of-a-kind, in-your-face rockin’ diva is a take-no-prisoners artiste. Siamese Cat.
Hannah Wright can be risqué, cynical, and undoubtedly spirited, but just between us, she carries
a sweet disposition that even her gruff exterior can’t hide. Hannah, a 6’2” singer, songwriter, and ZGP: You know I love dogs. What is the
actress, shared her life, love of music, and being touted as a little hostile with ZGP Magazine. GSD name?
HW: Nada Kitty - N-A-D-A K-I-T-T-Y
ZGP: When did music start for you? tric Guitar/Keys), Tyler Marberry (Bass), and me. We ZGP: That is hilarious. Can I assume the
HW: I don’t remember a time when music wasn’t a started the band with some other members around ZGP: You all play in a lot of bars; how do cat’s name is NADA DOG?
part of my life. I do remember distinctly when my April 2020. COVID couldn’t stop the music. Soon it you handle the obnoxious “FREE BIRD” HW: Oh no, her name is Duchess.
genre took a dramatic change. I was riding down the was back to our original trio, however by December of ranting wanna be a rockstar?
road with my dad listening to a country station on the 2020, Tyler had brought on two incredible musicians HW: Generally, “Free Bird” is the first shouted re- ZGP: We’ve talked a lot about your music,
radio. My dad suddenly changed the radio. Country Chris Thompson (Electric Guitar) and Eddie Melton quest, and I firmly tell the gentleman, “We (expletive) but I also read you are an actress?
twang was immediately replaced with avant-garde (Drums), and we’ve been “A Little Hostile” since then. don’t play that, sir.” However, our talented band knows HW: Yes, and I expect to be cast if your upcoming
metal blasting from the speakers. It was the first time My bandmates are laid back, and I’m eccentrically most of the requests, and if I do not know the song, book becomes a movie. The “bad guy,” of course. I’ve
I heard Rob Zombie’s hit song, “Dragula,” and I was feisty, so it works; until you press the wrong buttons. I do not mind stepping aside, pull the requester on been fortunate to be involved in two Jaron Lockridge
instantly hooked. From then on, it was rock music. Chris and I recently had a blow-up fight, but we ex- stage to sing it. The audience interaction is incredible productions. I played “Kayla” in the 2020 movie
Immediately following Zombie, my dad played “The changed mutual responsibility and mutual apologies -everyone is happy. “Smith”, “Rachel” in the 2017 release of the thriller
Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson. It saved my over a large bottle of tequila. I believe it’s healthy to “Hongo,” and a Will Black directed film “The Way
music life. Our band, A Little Hostile, plays rock, but yell and purge the frustrations like one does at family ZGP: Where does a lyric come from? Out” in 2016 where I played “Elizabeth.”
I’m working on some cover tunes of Marilyn Manson. holidays, my band is my family, and there are times we HW: Trauma. When I am in a dark place, I produce
will dramatically disagree like family. the best lyrics from my raw emotions. I have a bottle ZGP: What a fantastic career so far. Where
of wine and write. I’m sitting on several songs written are some places “A Little Hostile” per-
ZGP: When did you know you could sing? from this emotional abyss, but I’m not ready to share forms?
HW: I would sit in my bedroom and practice singing those lyrics with the world just yet. HW: We play all over West Tennessee. Such as in Dy-
to Beyoncé and Shakira. But I never did it in front of When I need a good cry, I turn to Lana Del Ray. Her ersburg, Tennessee, at a joint called Tapp’d, not to be
anyone. I always thought I could sing. However, my music has a cinematic prowess filled with melancholic confused with a similarly named bar we also play here
mom would always hear me and tell me how great I riffs and emotion-filled delivery. It’s tragic and thera- in Jackson, called The Tap. We also played in Brad-
was, but, hey, it’s your mom. But, I’m glad I didn’t start peutic. People may not remember what you said, but ford, Tennessee back in May for a St. Jude fundraiser
ZGP: Where did the band name “A Little singing until I was an adult. Today, many artists began they certainly remember how you made them feel. Del event called, “Annual Patriot Butt-Run” hosted by
Hostile” come from? at an early age; I only recently emerged from my pri- Ray’s music begs the listener to feel something. The American Patriot Vanguard MC/RC Tennessee.
HW: Early on, during a band rehearsal, a song wasn’t vate bedroom lessons with the radio. I learned to do music draws people together because we are all united
going as I expected. Exhausted, emotional, or plain different things with my voice, and I am still learning. in the vibration of the sounds. In this beautiful realm,
delusional, I shouted, “PLAY THE DAMN SONG One of my musical influences is heavy metal front- words become unnecessary to connect us. On stage, Hannah Wright might be delivering her
RIGHT!” Immediately I was asked by a bandmate, woman Maria Brink with the band “In This Moment.” best aggressive lyrics set to heart-pounding rock and
“Why are you so hostile? and I replied, “BECAUSE At 43, Brink is doing what I am striving to do. Brink is ZGP: Let’s talk more about uniting vibra- roll music, but off stage, she is a determined woman,
I AM A LITTLE HOSTILE.” The frustrated mood everything I wanna be, and because of her, I believe I tions. secretly a kind soul, and passionate about life.
turned to a collective, creative mind that we all can do this. HW: I believe there will always be vibrations to con-
thought, “HEY, that is a band name; our band name.” nect us. If there was no music at all, vibrations would Bonus: Hannah’s
ZGP: Who was your first audience outside continue to exist. The sound of footsteps, the earthly “Music and Kindness”
ZGP: Sounds like you all are in harmony. household eavesdroppers? tremble left behind after a clap of thunder. Even my Sentence Challenge
How long has the band been together, and HW: My mom coaxed me into meeting her friends, Boa Python gets it. My snake can’t hear the words I
how do you make it work? Matt and Mary Foster. The Fosters had an expensive sing, but she can and does respond to the vibration of
HW: The original members are Darrien Taylor (Elec- karaoke machine set up in their living room, and the songs I sing. I wrap her around my neck, and I can
perhaps my mom knew if she could get me over there,
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