Page 160 - July ONLINE VERSION
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ourselves to show the real person we constantly stifle ZGP: Can music make us better humans? a network, found a sponsor, gained service positions,
naked and unabashed before the world. That is the gift How can our individual passions, sufferings and from it gained a whole new life I never dreamed
music gives us. When we find others that listen to the connect us all? possible. I attended meetings regularly until the pan-
same things, we feel we met a friend for life, someone Absolutely! By sharing our passions and our pain demic began, and now I attend them when and where I
that understands us, and feels the way we do. It gives openly, it helps maintain a genuine human connection. can. I am always in touch with someone in my network
us the courage to be who we really are. You can garner We realize our self-worth, and a sense of belonging though, whether my sponsor or another alcoholic/
much about a person based on what they have in their in kindred spirits through these shared experiences. addict, I stay connected. I celebrated my 7th year of
music catalog. These connections abound with gratitude, humility, sobriety on April 17th. I have developed many tools on
and understanding; giving us a landscape to where our this spiritual journey to maintain physical, spiritual,
Music is invulnerable and will never be destroyed or wanton desires for love and acceptance take form. and mental fitness. It's never perfect but its progress!
fully created. We even play to imitate the sounds of
nature. Music is constant, unwavering, and infinite! It It also produces a solid foundation for people to step ZGP: You mention community engagement
binds us, like the Force in Star Wars. out of themselves and into another's perspective and and activism, what type of altruistic work do
understand that they are a part of this cosmic wheel of you do?
ZGP: If there wasn’t any music to go by, you life. We all play a part in this swirling drama of twist- I was heavily involved in service work with other ad-
had to create it – how would you start? How ed beauty and at times unbearably tragic fate. Sharing dicts and alcoholics. I help plan and set up of various
important is musical influence? Today and brings us together in our struggles and triumphs, to sober/social functions like dinners and dances and
going forward? show we are not alone. bring meetings to jails and institutions. If my experi-
When I write music, I follow my own drive, perspec- ence and outreach can help at least one person find a
tive, and knowledge of music in general. I start with a ZGP: How did you make it to a 12-step pro- better life, then it’s worth every ounce of suffering I
concept or a feeling. Then I think, “How can I go about gram and what does recovery look like for endured.
translating these thoughts and feelings into music, and you now? Do you attend meetings? Complete
channel it so it can be interpreted by the listener as abstinence? Is your recovery a spiritual I have also participated in fundraising, help at soup
to what was going through my mind?” Other times, I journey or part of a religious organization? I kitchens, as well as donate to various charities. I start-
have used familiar stories from authors and others to split those up because some folks, like my- ed taking part in conservation efforts for Barn Owls
guide me towards something that will pull the listener self are very spiritual and others are quite in MD. Their numbers have dwindled unfortunately
into another realm. Musical influence is greatly im- involved in organized religion, both work for due to pesticide, so I hope to be a part of turning that Follow Josh Johnson on Instagram
portant to us as a species as it brings us closer to one those they work for. around. I have also participated in social and political
another than the internet could ever dream of. Music activism by engaging in all levels of government on
spans literally the entire globe; even Metallica did a I always fancied myself a hardass, but drugs and al- pieces of legislature that would endanger the environ-
concert in Antarctica. We must continue to make mu- cohol had stripped me to my core. I made it into the ment or our inherent rights to life and liberty. I have
sic that speaks to each other and brings us together. In rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous by the grace of my protested, written letters, headed petitions, sat before
this may lie the true key to salvation from humanity's Higher Power. I had many experiences with recovery, senators and congressman, participated in the civic
greatest enemy, itself. both court ordered and voluntarily. Multiple relapses process as an Election Judge, and was a delegate at
and multiple jail sentences increased with time and se- the 2016 Democratic National Convention for Bernie
ZGP: What hobbies do you have outside of verity. I was so sick, cross addicted to various substanc- Sanders.
music? es, and in a completely hopeless state of mind, body,
I really am all over the map and a bit eccentric in my and spirit. I became increasingly desperate for a solu- I have found great joy and a strong sense of accom-
hobbies. I am a strong advocate for the environment tion. My first sponsor called it “the gift of desperation,” plishment that I may leave this world in a better con-
and the outdoors. I enjoy fishing, hiking/backpacking a catalyst for real change when you're at the bottom. dition than when I was brought into it. Whenever I
through different locales, travelling, target shooting, achieve goals, overcome great obstacles or progress to
photographing nature, kayaking, collecting artifacts or I literally got down on my knees after two days of another tier in life, I simply remember I did it One Day
stones, and camping. I build models and collector edi- detoxing at my house to say the sincerest prayer I had at A Time.
tion Lego sets. I also read a lot of science and politics said in years. I wept as I prayed to be released from
and temper that with comics and sword and sorcery the slavery of substance abuse, unsure that my prayers
novels. I play videogames. I also enjoy tinkering with would be answered. This prayer was answered in the
cars and electronics. form of Alcoholic Anonymous.
After that I went to 102 meetings in 90 days, developed
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