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Four Kind Women make Five much time finding out if we knew Jesus and if we living God’s principles. So today the lives I touch,
went to church anywhere. Just like any good Chris-
the kindness I show others stems back to the simple
By Anne Calvert tian knows, people like food, and usually an invite to kindness of my friends and family.
church followed by a bribe of a home-cooked lunch
When she speaks, her words are wise, works like a charm. We went to "Therefore, as God's There has been an untold amount of
church with them, where they
people in my life. But the ones who
and she gives instructions with kindness. were active youth pastors, and had chosen people, holy and stay with me most are the ones who
Proverbs 31:26 lunch that day, and we clicked. dearly loved, clothe were kind, in a genuine way. Kindness
I have been blessed with four of the kindest women She spoke gently and usually maintained a smile. yourselves with is very important, and I promote it as
in my life. Women, who even today, years after I have I cannot tell you how many conversations we had We were new to the area, spiri- compassion, kindness, much as I can. Kindness brightens up
seen some of them, still hold the top spots when I where she would try to help me see the correct way tually lost, and the outlook for humility, gentleness and the worst of days. Do not underesti-
think of kindness. One thing is for sure, I want to be to respond to situations. One of the secrets she taught me to make good friends with patience." mate the power of kindness. Especial-
just as kind as them. me was that when a customer got to me, I should my attitude, very slim. Kim and Colossians 3:12 ly in today’s world, we cannot take for
go into the cooler where I could not be heard and her husband Bill could see past granted what a simple act of kindness
My Aunt Mary was the first person I remember being scream to get it out of my system. Thinking back, I my hurt and sassiness. God knew can accomplish. Being kind to your-
kind. Mind you, she whooped my bottom when nec- can only imagine how awful I must have been for that it would take the kindness, patience, and love of a self is just as important as showing others kindness.
essary. But in those situations, it was to be expected piece of advice. I have not spoken to her since I left strong, faithful, obedient woman to help soften my
that kindness was set aside a moment. I never heard Jersey, but if I could, I would tell her how her kind- heart. Kim took me under her wing and mentored me
hurtful or negative words from her. She was always ness and tenderness touched my life. without me realizing it through her words in action “Be kind and compassionate to one
nurturing, loving, and kind. and that she taught me in love. Although Kim was another, forgiving each other, just as in
I moved away when I was Another kind, tender soul is only a couple of years older than me, she was much Christ God forgave you.”
nineteen and seldom came Debbie. I was new to Tennes- more mature, abundantly more spiritual, and sweeter Ephesians 4:32
back, but I always made time see and new to any religion than I was. As a matter of fact, to this day I refer to
for Aunt Mary. Every time but Catholic when we began her as “the holiest person I know.”
we went to visit with her, she attending the same church.
would have donuts, pastries, Keep in mind, I was still a Then they moved to another part of the state, then
fruit, or some snacks for lot to handle. I had my in- moved again, and again and we lost contact. A couple Anne lives in Jackson, Tennessee, where she and
my children and always had dependence, disagreed with of times she called me out of the blue to see how I her husband, Wesley, are leaders at The Hope Cen-
tea with orange instead of the beliefs, and didn’t want to was, but we didn’t keep in touch after the calls. About ter. They share their home with four dogs and lots
lemon. She would sit and conform. I refused to read the two years ago, I found her on social media, and we re- of books. When time allows, they enjoy hiking and
listen to us and laugh at my scripture or soul search. None connected. She was just as kind and loving as the day wandering around Tennessee and the surrounding
children and their antics, of this mattered to Debbie; she we met almost thirty years ago. area looking for adventures.
smiling the entire time. I loved me with a smile, a hug
looked forward to her letters and a kind word. She helped I had no idea at that time what the fruits of the Spirit Anne jokes that she
and yearly birthday cards be- me feel accepted. Through the were, but had I known, I would have been able to could never figure out
cause she was always kind. Even years, she has always been kind identify them in her. Galatians 5:22-23 in the New what she wanted to be
after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, she was and encouraging. Just another beautiful soul who has Living Translation says, “But when the Holy Spirit in life until 2018, when
still the sweet, kind, always-smiling Aunt Mary that I helped me on my journey. Thankfully, she is still in controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit she was introduced
will always remember. She was an angel on earth. my life and I can tell her how her kindness touched in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, to NaNoWriMo and
my heart. faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…” She was began writing a novel.
I met Elaine, my first co-worker, when I was 16. She kind and loved me when my attitude was unlovable. Her sincerest desire is
was an older woman--keep in mind at sixteen, forty Kim was my first friend after moving to Tennessee. I know I needed Kim, but I think she needed me too. to share her one true
was older--who showed me extreme kindness despite The day we were moving in, our neighbor on the I believe I helped her fine-tune the fruits of the Spirit love, Jesus, with others.
my hot-headedness and fierce attitude. I worked at other side of our duplex, Kim, came over to introduce in her life.
German restaurant and deli named Speisemeister herself. Kim and I became friends quickly as did our
located inside our mall in New Jersey. If you checked husbands. Because we lived so close to each other and It was Jesus working through them and their obedi-
with anyone who knew me and everyone who had to were close in age, we spent lots of time together. ence and love for Him that helps extend the same to
deal with me in those early years, I was a force to be others. The kindness of these beautiful women helped
reckoned with. She was friendly and kind. She did not waste too make me who I am and how I live my life. They were
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