P. 88

Paula: Music can spark laughter, spark hard emo-           Paula: I just wrote a song about Patsy Cline with               dad knew what that decision would be, band. At            gift so many desire to have. It is your responsibility
        tions.                                                     Ray and Katie and recorded it. But I don’t consider             his funeral, his friend Mike DeBerry said, “Chuck         to grow your craft, your gift.
                                                                   myself a writer.                                                could do anything, and he did everything well.”
        Katie: A person can have a beautiful voice, but                                                                            And that is certainly who Chuck was.                      Emily: Music belongs to us all; it does not belong to
        might not be able to connect their soul to the music       Katie: Mom is just being modest. Ever since we                                                                            just one person. My music isn’t necessarily, if at all,
        they perform. The audience walks away from a               were little kinds, she always had a full binder of                                                                        about me, it’s about helping someone, sharing what
        performance unmoved, without feeling the great             where she had started a chorus or verse. She has                ZGP: He stayed humble?                                    I have with others. Sitting down with my guitar and
        power music has to offer. I want to be changed             written a lot. I can remember being little and Mom              Paula: HUMBLE? Oh my gosh, yes, he literally had          in that headspace keeps me humble, to continue
        after a performance. That my life has been forever         would make up songs for different things or wake                no ego.                                                   to use it as it was intended to help other people get
        changed because of the influence I gathered from           us up with a guitar that she was learning to play.                                                                        through something. I like feeling like I’m being
        the experience. Of course, my life may not take a                                                                          Emily: Dad was the kind of person that if he was          there for people through my music, in my own way
        dramatic turn but even the most subtle of impact           ZGP: Paula, tell me about Chuck.                                going to do it, he was going to do it well. He wasn’t     making the world a better place. In that space, I’m
        can improve the trajectory of my life going forward.       Paula: Chuck was one of the best guys you would                 the kind to dabble halfheartedly, he put everything       surrounded by my family – dad, mom, and my sis-
                                                                   ever want to meet. He was a wonderful musician,                 into everything he did.                                   ter and it keeps me grounded to focus on the music
        ZGP: What is this mystery about music                      friend, husband, and father. You could walk all over                                                                      and its ability to help, through me, others.
        that we can’t fully explain scientifically?                the planet and never meet another Chuck McGill.                 ZGP: Tom Petty said in a 2015 interview
        Emily: I graduated this year with a degree in              He passed on August 12, 2015 at the age of 60, he               that he feels he has a conduit to a music                 Katie: It’s weird because when someone comes up
        Psychology and music therapy is a direction I’m            was just good to the core and we were really blessed            energy. Do you feel you have this same                    to you after you have performed and compliments
        interested in; possibly getting a Masters. For exam-       to have him. We were married nearly 36 years. We                type of connection?                                       your performance, it almost feels like it wasn’t me,
        ple, people experiencing Alzheimer’s, may not be           were married ten years before Katie came along.                 Emily: I think I have this …I don’t want to say gift      perhaps I’m the conduit from some higher place to
        able to name the beloved person in front of them                                                                           because everyone has their own gift, something that       an audience that was moved by the message. Yes,
        but can remember with clarity a song or a piece of         Emily: He could pick up any instrument and play                 they love to do, they are supposed to do, meant to        I put the work into it, yes, of course I tried to put
        music when played. This reveals that music remains         it like he had played it for 100 years. My dad was              do. I do feel I have a responsibility to music because    everything into the delivery but there is something
        connected to a part of our brains. People who have         humble, I mean really humble and down-to-earth.                 I do feel it is something I was put here to do. Plus, I   so much more happening in that moment. I feel
        experienced cognitive trauma can still, at times, tap      Someone came to the store one time asking if he                 feel if you have it in you, feel it is your calling, you   like I’m become the vessel for a higher spirit to flow
        into an emotion that music once gave them.                 could play the fiddle, I was around 14-15 at the                should share it with the world.                           through my music, my given talents, to carry out its
                                                                   time, and he was like nah I can’t play the fiddle, but                                                                    divine mission.
        ZGP: Staying with music and emotions,                      I was like Dad, you know how instruments work,                  Paula: I mean it’s like you, you must have been put
        let’s talk about vulnerability. It can be a                just pick it up and try it. He picked it up and played          here to do this, because this is what you are doing.      Emily: I certainly feel it was our childhood. I mean
        daunting task taking our artistry from                     the entire song, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”               I think we were put here on earth to do certain           when I’m performing it certainly includes the
        within our secure places – our mind, our                   released by The Charlie Daniels Band.                           things and it just so happens that ours is music          legacy of my parents, their loving and supportive
        private homes – to open spaces subject to                                                                                  and what a blessing it is. Chuck would share his          influence, and everyone who has empowered my
        an audience and the hopefulness they will                  Katie: The crazy thing is Dad was great at every-               knowledge and craft with anyone. Whenever we              craft to flourish. So, if anyone should get the “You
        accept and absorb the vibes we are put-                    thing. Most people are like he was a great musician,            played and he saw a musician in the audience he           did great” it should be my parents.
        ting out.                                                  and he was, but he was a very gifted and talented               would help grow their talent, bring them on stage,
        Emily: I think the first thing any artist should do        artist, he could draw, and he was an athlete. He                or whatever. A lot of artists would not do that, but      Katie: Yeah, like everyone that has become part of
        is come at it from a place of sincere honesty. Some        played football and raced motocross. When you                   Chuck did not take his craft for granted.                 the journey that placed you where you are now,
        of my best tunes have been written from a deeply           think of a well-rounded individual, that was my                                                                           should be the intended target of that “You did
        personal place. When you think about it, sharing           dad.                                                            Katie: I agree with Emily, we all have been bless-        great” sentiment. I feel like all their spirits, time,
        your truth through your art, reminds you that you                                                                          ed with gifts and often it can be easy to take it for     and energy that was poured into everything you do
        are not alone, that others have experienced a simi-        Paula: When he was in junior high, he was placed                granted because it is something you have always           – singing, painting, writing, etc. comes out in that
        lar event. When you can put a song out there that is       on the football team. However, when he started                  done. The responsibility aspect resonates because         moment.
        vulnerable and honest, it resonates so much more           highschool the coach at the time would not allow                while music is our gift, it is something that you
        than a typical canned tune about love, loss, and joy.      members of the band to play ball. Chuck’s dad was               should practice and continue to grow. Music is a          Paula: Cousin Tuny told me after Chuck passed,
        Specific experiences written to music can really           also a great football player, so the coach went to              part of me, I can’t shake it and it is a part of every    that there are people who go through life never
        change someone’s life. The best therapy for me is to       Chuck’s house and tried to talk his dad into making             day. My dad would always tell me, you have a gift         knowing that kind of love that we had. I have kept
        write from my personal experiences. Sitting down           Chuck play foodball rather than the band. Chuck’s               but there is someone always working harder than           that with me.
        with my guitar and writing down everything in my           dad told the coach he was letting Chuck make that               you are – so you keep up your talent. Others can
        head as quickly as possible.                               decision for himself.  Both the coach and Chuck’s               certainly surpass you if you allow them. You have a

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