Page 32 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Understanding                     Slave Culture                     History of
              19th-Century                      A Documentary Collection          African Americans

              Slave Narratives                  of the Slave Narratives from      Exploring Diverse Roots
                                                the Federal Writers’ Project
              STERLING LECATER BLAND JR.,                                         THOMAS J. DAVIS
              EDITOR                            3 VOLUMES | SPENCER CREW,
                                                LONNIE BUNCH, AND
                                                CLEMENT PRICE, EDITORS

              June 2016, 311pp, 7x10                                              October 2016, 271pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              Print: 978-1-4408-4463-8                                            Print: 978-0-313-38540-7
                                                                                  $58.00, £45.00, €53.00
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            GREENWOOD
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4464-5          May 2014, 1,124pp, 7x10           eBook: 978-0-313-38541-4
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-0086-3
                                                $294.00, £227.00, €268.00         This rich cultural history of African
               “ narratives shed valuable light   eBook: 978-1-4408-0087-0        Americans outlines their travails,
                 As a set, these little-known
                on a dark chapter in American                                     triumphs, and achievements in
                history. The unique perspectives   “ Highly recommended. Lower-   negotiating individual and collective
                will help both students of        level undergraduates through    identities to overcome racism, slavery,
                American history and armchair     researchers/faculty; general    and the legacies of these injustices from
                historians better understand the   readers. ”                     colonial times to the present.
                causes and consequences of               —Choice, November 6, 2014  FEATURES
                              ”                 For the first time, the WPA Slave   •  Reveals the extent of anti-black
                human bondage.
                       —ARBA, September 8, 2016  Narratives are organized by theme,   racism in America
              African American slave narratives of   making it easier to examine—and   •  Examines black heritage in America
                                                                                    from its colonial origins to the present
              the 19th century recorded the grim   understand—specific aspects of slave   •  Highlights the contributions of African
              realities of the antebellum South;   life and culture.                Americans throughout history
              they also provide the foundation for                                •  Illustrates the role of blacks in the
              this compelling and revealing work   SPENCER CREW, PhD, is Clarence   American economy
              on African American history and   J. Robinson Professor of History at   •  Centers on African Americans in the
              experiences.                      George Mason University.            development of American history

              FEATURES                          LONNIE BUNCH is the founding
                                                director of the National Museum of
              •  Presents information and primary   African American History and Culture   THOMAS J. DAVIS, PhD, JD, is
                source documents that support such   at the Smithsonian Institution.  professor of history at Arizona State
                key subject areas as American history,                            University, Tempe.
                ethnic studies, and African American   CLEMENT PRICE, PhD, is Board of
                history, among other areas      Governors Distinguished Service
                                                Professor of History and director of
                                                the Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and
                                                the Modern Experience at Rutgers
              associate professor of English and   University.
              African American studies at Rutgers
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