Page 11 - Personnel
P. 11


                     All 20183 SRs and LLRs have been updated.
              4.  ASSISTANCE REQUIRED

                 4.1   Posting of one APO in SC Division.

                 4.2 Filling up of vacancies in important Safety Categories: as on


         Sl.                   Sancti    Actu     Vaca
         No     Category        ons       als     ncies         Action Plan to fill up the vacancies
                                                          Court cases pending in LP categories, SLP
          1  ALP/LP             3251     3154      97
                                                          filed in APEX Court.
                                                          An online indent for 213 posts of SM was
          2  ASMs               723       614      109
                                                          placed on RRB on 13.02.2019.
                                                          An online indent for 584 posts against 25%
          3  Guards             1355     1074      281
                                                          DR quota placed on RRB on 14-02-2019

          4  JE/SE P Way        249       158      91     HQRS Controlled posts
                                                          RRB Indent placed for 1881 vacancies on
          5  Trackman           5493     4627      866
   6   7   8   9   10   11