Page 2 - General Information
P. 2

STATE             ROUTE KMs        TRACK KMs
                                        Telangana              1116.05         1861.958
                                        Maharastra             180.11           218.69
                                        Karnataka              222.97           269.51

                                     Andhra Pradesh             52.05                69.89
                                           TOTAL               1571.18          2420.04

                       (Stations opened for Public)*

                     Category        NSG-1    NSG-2  NSG-3     NSG-4    NSG-5    NSG-6  SG-3  HG-2      HG-3     Total
                   AP                  0        0        0       0        0        2       0      0       0       2
          No of    TELANGANA           1        1        4       7       21       59      15      3       4      115
         stations   KARNATAKA          0        0        0       1        3       10       0      0       1       15
                   MAHARSTRA           0        0        0       1        1       07       0      0       3       12
                        TOTAL          1        1        4       9       25       78      15      3       8      144

                     There  are  9  stations  (IPG,  NSKL,  PGP,  AWM,  GLE,  RLW,  RLT,  VEM  &  SUH),
                       where passenger trains stop and no commercial earnings.
                     There  are  another  13  stations  (LGD,  PGDP,  MKPT,  JPTN,  RRPM,  MACU,  SYI,
                       KTPS,  RJUA,  PRPI,  GDCR,  AMQ,  &  HSJ)  which  are  meant  for  operational
                       purpose only.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7