Page 3 - TDU
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Tandur                                                         Category- NSG 4

                A     Works completed in the last three years                                                   (Rs. In '000s)

               Sl.No                             Name of work                                  PH       2018-19        2019-20         2020-21

                 1    SC Division -Provision of Data logger linking with COA  at   TDU         TF                                        685
                 2    Development of common Goods loop (Road no.5) fit for                     TF                                        1800
                      Passenger carrying trains at Tandur Station on SC - WADI section

                                                                                   TF Total                                              2485

                 3    Proposed reroofing, extension and improvement to staion                  PA                                       14800
                      bulding, raising and improvements to circulating area.

                                                                                  PA Total                                              14800

                B     Works in Progress                                                                         (Rs. In '000s)

              Year of                            Name of work                                  PH         Cost           TDC           Remarks

                                                                                                           Summary(Fig in Rs.000's)
                                                                                               PH      Completed      In progress        Total

                                                                                               TF         2485            0              2485

                                                                                               PA        14800             0            14800
                                                                                              Total      17285             0            17285
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