Page 15 - TRD
P. 15
Fig: Replacement of rusted ACC
Replacement of Rusted cantilevers:
Rusted cantilevers are the one of the causes for breakdowns in polluted areas.
Due to the rusting of the rusting of the cantilever tubes, the mechanical
strength of the cantilever will decreases drastically and leads to breakdown of
OHE. To avert the failures due to rusting of cantilevers, replacement work has
taken up and replaced 911 No’s in pollution prone areas.
Fig: Rusted cantilever and replacement.
Adjustment of contact wire height @ RD-6 in SC yard:
To facilitate the provision for running of over dimentioned consignment (ODC),
the contact wire height at road-6 in SC was incresed from 5 mts to 5.46 mts. as
the existing- less height FOB was dismatled by engineering department.
Fig: Height adjustment work.
Replacement of Isolators and Jumpers:
As per the Railway Board and Headquarters guide lines, all the 800 Amps
Isolators and Isolator jumpers in the Main line should replace with 1250 Amps
and 160 Sq. mm Jumpers respectively for increasing the section speed
between BPQ-KI to 160 KMPH.