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GODAMGURA (GDQ)                       Kms. 103.57              Class "NSG 6 "
                                                    YARD DIAGRAM IS ATTACHED
         I.  STAFF STRENGTH                                   II.a. BUILDING - RESIDENTIAL

                                 No.of Qts       Strength           Type         IV      III     II     I   TOTAL
                              I   II  III  IV  C       D           Available       -     -       -      10   10
           Engineering       10   -   -  -    22       -            Vacant         -     -       -      3     3

           S & T              -   -   -  -    1        -      II.b. BUILDING - SERVICE
           Operating          -   -   -   -   6         -     Station Building                                1
           Total             10   -   -   -   29       -
           Total demand ( lits)                  26,000

           i) Domestic ( lits)                   10,000
           ii) Service buildings ( lits)          1,000
           iii) Carriage ( lits)                   -

           iv)Storage Capacity ( lits)            5,000
           Source / Yield   Hand Pump & Open well
           Waiting Hall     2nd class        26.00    M 2              Taps                                   6
                            1st class          -      M 2              Lavatories                             2

           Platform shelter   PF 1.          108.00   M 2              Urinals                                2
                                         PF 2.  20.00  M 2             Water cooler                           -
           Platform Length    PF 1.   (LL)   295.00    M               Foot over bridge                       1

                                         PF 2.   (RL)  300.00  M       Shady trees                           12
           Benches ( seats )                  63      Nos.
           a. Number of Passengers dealt per day (Nos.)          17
           b. Maximum Number of Passengers dealt at any one time (Nos.)  1

           c.Average Number of Out Ward Passengers dealt per day (Nos.)  9
           d.Passenger Earnings during the year 2020-21  (Rs.)  (in Lakhs)  0.00

         VI.  No. of PASSENGERS & EARINGS OF THE  STATION       2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2020-21
                                                                                              (Upto OCT)
           a.  No. of Passengers                                37918   40425   35638    0      1589
           b.Passenger  Earnings ( In lakhs )                    4.00    3.95    3.57   0.00    0.39
           c.Other Coaching Earnings                             0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00    0.00
           d.Goods Earnings                                      0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00    0.00

           e.Sundries                                            0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00    0.00
           TOTAL                                                 4.00    3.95    3.57   0.00    0.39
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