Page 7 - Security
P. 7

i)  Theft of Passenger Belongings:

           In Trains:
                                No. of cases                     Property               Arrested
                              Regd         Detd       Stolen(Rs.)  Recovered(Rs.)
           2019                39            3         1542599           481300             5
           2020                12            0         1221988              0               0
           2021                17            03        5,56,153         1,23,000            03
           (Upto Oct)

           In premises:
                             No. of cases                  Property                  Arrested
                            Regd      Detd     Stolen(Rs.)  Recovered(Rs.)
           2019                4         1       111499             6000                 1
           2020                0         0           0                0                  0
           2021                0         0           0                0                  0
           (Upto Oct)

           Pro-active initiatives and good works by RPF Secunderabad Division:

                 RPF apprehends notorious offenders involved in theft of passenger belongings:

                  RPF Secunderabad division apprehended 62 offenders involved in theft of passenger
                  belongings in trains and railway premises and drugging with recovery of stolen property
                  value Rs.38,49,500/-

                  Seizure of contraband items:

                  RPF Secunderabad division apprehended 27 offenders who involved in illegal
                  transportation of contraband items with recovery worth Rs.33,07,864/-
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