Page 3 - Microsoft Word - Mech E&HM lll
P. 3
All stations under ENHM wing are provided with double dust-bins
for Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable waste and the pairs
are provided at a distance of 20m apart.
All stations under ENHM wing are provided with material recovery
facility/waste segregation shed as per NGT directives and at LPI &
VKB stations it is yet to be taken-up.
Monitoring of station cleanliness through CCTVs is being done for
better performance.
Passenger awareness announcements like littering penalties etc
are made through PA systems at stations for better results.
Monitoring of NGT Verifiable indicators for all the stations under
NGT monitoring (NSG-1 to NSG-4 Category stations) over this
division is done regularly.
As per NGT directives, consent to operation (CTO) and consent
to Establishment (CTE) has been obtained from CPCB for all NGT
stations (9-stations under EnHM wing + 5-stations under
Commercial Branch).
4.0 Innovation with Good photographs: Nil
5.0 Assistance required: Nil