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2.3 ORIGINATING LOADING to end of OCTOBER 2021 (Figures in MTs)
Variation over Variation
Actuals to Target to Actuals to Target to end over last
Service Head end of Oct end of end of Oct of Oct 21 year
20 Oct 21 21
(Oct 20)
1 2 3 (3-2) (3-1)
COAL 15.909 26.220 27.715 1.495 11.806
CEMENT 8.509 10.340 12.643 2.303 4.134
FOOD GNS 2.461 2.414 1.697 -0.717 -0.764
POL 0.319 0.420 0.227 -0.193 -0.092
OTHERS 1.479 2.502 2.009 -0.493 0.530
TOTAL 28.677 41.896 44.291 2.395 15.614
The Sundry Earnings achieved by this Division to the end of October 2021 is Rs. 61.05
crs as compared to Rs. 45.47 crs for the corresponding period of last year.
Comparative position of Sundry earnings is given below:
(Figures in Rs. crs)
Actuals Actuals to 2021-22 Target Variation Variation Variation
to end of end of Actuals to end over target over over
Actuals October Actuals October (upto Oct of Oct to end of October October
2019-20 2020-21
2019 2020 21) 2021 October 2020 2019
2021 (COPPY)
99.87 59.28 92.17 45.47 61.05 78.93 -17.88 15.58 1.77