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Hi tech city                                                         Category-SG3

                     A           Works completed in the last Three  years                                      (Rs. In '000s)

                   Sl.No                       Name of work                            PH         2018-19         2019-20               2020-21

                     1     Hitech city- Extension of Up & Dn platforms to              PA           9000
                           accomodate passenger trains at Hitech city.

                     2      Provision of 4 Lifts (2 Nos each at Hitech City            PA                                                11780

                                                                         PA Total                   9000                                 11780

                     B     Works in Progress                                                                   (Rs. In '000s)
                   Sl No.                      Name of work                            PH           Cost            TDC                Remarks
                  2018-19 HTCY: Extension of both UP & DN platforms                    PA           38659          Dec'21       UP & DN line  line
                                                                                                                               provision of new PF
                                                                                                                               completed. VDF

                  2018-19 ecundarabad~~Vikarabad~~SC Divn: Provision of LED            PA            271           Nov'21      Erection of Glow sign
                           based passenger utility signage boards at MMTS                                                      boards in progress.
                  2019-20 SC - Divn Improvements to passengers amenities viz           PA            271           Dec'21       Work is in progress.
                           lighting ,air circulators, LED signagesetc at MMTS stations
                           w.r.t.writ petition (PIL)

                  2019-20 Renovation to MMTS stations at HTCY.                         PA           3748           Dec'21      Work is in progress.

                                                                                      PA Total      42678
                                                                                                         Summary(Fig in Rs.000's)
                                                                                       PH           Work         In progress             Total

                                                                                       PA           20780           42678                63458
                                                                                      Total         20780           42678                63458
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