Page 3 - SNF
P. 3
Sanath nagar Category-NSG 5
Works completed in the last three years (Rs. In '000s)
Sl.No Name of work PH 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 SC Division- Provision of Divyang facilities at D,E, F category PA 500
PA Total 500
2 Proposed Rolling in examination facilities at SNF station. WS 710
WS Total 710
B Works in Progress (Rs. In '000s)
Year of Name of work PH Cost TDC Remarks
2019-20 Extension of platforms to accommodate 24 coaches and LHB PA 4416 Mar'22 Estimate under vetted. Tender
coach trains at SNF under Sr.DEN/CR/SC section. under finalization.
PA Total 4416