Page 37 - October 24
P. 37
Needles, Pins and Hooks
We are a friendly group who meet every Monday from 7pm to 9pm in the Church Hall to
knit, crochet, sew and na�er over a cuppa. Normally we pursue our own projects but there
is always someone on hand who can help when someone gets stuck or to teach a new skill.
New members are always welcome. Please come and join us!
We also work together on group projects such as
Bob the Snowman who patrolled the White Lion Car
Park at Christmas, making a diverse range products
for sale at the Hampton Fes�val and the Church
Christmas Fair and the Poppy Frieze we made for
Remembrance Sunday last year.
This year we are looking to extend the Poppy Frieze
to double its length and make a real statement of
support for our veterans and those who sacrificed
so much to defend our country.
If anyone could make some poppies, whether they
are kni�ed, crocheted or sewn, we would be most
grateful. Pa�erns are available on the Royal Bri�sh
Legion website or at the back of the church.
To enable us to complete the frieze in �me we need Bob the Snowman and Penny
any poppies you make by Monday October 21 . caught in flagrante delicto
Sara Worthington : Kni�erer and Na�erer