Page 16 - English E-Book Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
P. 16


                    SUGGESTIONS AND OFFERS

                  This  e-book  discusses  suggestions  and
                  offers       material        which        includes
                  definition,  social  function,  expressions,

                  linguistic  elements,  sentence  structure,
                  examples,  and  how  to  ask  and  respond

                  to     suggestions        and     offers     either
                  accepting  or  declining.  Through  this  e-
                  book,  it  is  hoped  that  it  can  help

                  students  in  the  learning  process  to
                  achieve  learning  indicators  and  make
                  students become independent learners.

                                                       KADEK CANDRA PARAMITA

                                                      Born  in  Singaraja,  on  August  17,

                                                      2002.       Completed           her      basic
                                                      education  at  SD  Lab  Undiksha

                                                      Singaraja,       and      continued         her
                                                      education at SMPN 1 Singaraja and

                                                      SMAN  1  Singaraja.  Now,  she  is
                                                      pursuing  her  fifth  semester  of

                                                      undergraduate  studies  at  the
                                                      Ganesha  University  of  Education,

                                                      Faculty of Language and Art, and is
                                                      taking      the      English       Language
                                                      Education study program.

                            ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION
                            FACULTY OF LANGUAGE AND ART

                         GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION
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