Page 2 - English E-Book Suggestions and Offers Grade XI
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Praise the writer goes to God Almighty for His blessings and mercy, so that
the writer can finish this teaching material e-book with the material "Suggestions
and Offers" on time.
This ebook was created based on several existing books and literature to
support assignments in the "Pengembangan Bahan Ajar" course. The writer is
fully aware that this e-book is far from perfect. The writer believes there are still
many shortcomings or errors that are not the writer intentionally. Therefore, with
all humility, the writer, so that all parties are willing to provide suggestions and
constructive criticism that the writer can use as a guide in making the next e-book
so that later the writer can make a better e-book.
Finally, I hope that this e-book can benefit all of us.
Singaraja, December 2022
English E-Book Grade XI | Suggestions and Offers i