Page 4 - Unum 2023 Presentation
P. 4


                                     MAY ONE-ON-ONE CONSULTATIONS

                                      ME               SC                MA                TN

                                      10                5                  1                3

                                     JUNE EDUCATION PLANNING

                                     Focuses on the importance of education planning, financial aid
                                     and how to plan for college costs. 529 accounts offer many
                                     features and benefits to participants, including tax
                                     advantages, flexibility & control and gifting & estate benefits.

                                     Teams Live Event  5 attendees

    Effectively managing
    your debt and finances
    is the foundation of                      JUNE WELLNESS FAIR
    financial wellness.
                                              Portland Campus—Live fair focusing on all aspects

                                              of wellness: mental, financial and physical.

                                              Live Event       150 attendees

                                              Virtual Event 14 attendees
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