Page 4 - Unum 2024 FW presentation
P. 4

2023 Review  unum

                                   oct                               oct                               dec
                                   24                                 18

          Virtual Benefits Fair              One-on-One Consultations          Website Promotion

          A virtual event designed to help   Portland                       4   Personal Finance:
          employers communicate and          Chattanooga                0      Personal finance involves
          explain the benefits provided      Columbia                      1   managing money to meet your
          to their employees at scale        Worcester                    0    long-term and short-term

          through an interactive online                                        goals. It includes budgeting and
          environment.                                                         saving, creating an emergency
                                                                               fund, paying off debt, saving for
                                                                               retirement, and much more.

           Website Metrics

             January 2023 — November 2023

             1,450 visitors
                 Measures how many individual people, devices or IP addresses viewed the website
                 in a specific period.
             10,488 page views
                 How many times a webpage loads or reloads, regardless of how many times a single user
                 views a page in any amount of time.
             9 minutes
                 Average time on site.
             Top themes explored
                 Personal finance, Investing, and taxes.
             18 inquiries
                 Through the website to our practice.
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