Page 125 - 2024 compendium
P. 125

Project I-DREAM

               Objective:                                     Alignment with DepEd Goals
               Provide targeted support for struggling               Promotes the DepEd priority  of
               readers in both Junior and Senior High  improving basic education outcomes,
               School (JHS and SHS) to improve reading  particularly  in literacy and reading
               comprehension, with  a measurable  comprehension, as outlined in the K to
               increase  in  reading  proficiency  by  the  12 Curriculum.
               end of the academic year.
                                                              IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS
                       Project  “I  DREAM” (Improving  Step-by-Step Process:
               the Reading and Education of Aspiring  •  Conducted initial  assessment to
               Minds) is a reading program designed to           identify  struggling  readers  using
               address the challenges faced by students          reading diagnostic tools.
               struggling with reading. Many learners,  •  Designed tailored reading intervention
               particularly  in junior high school,              plans, including guided reading
               experience  difficulty  decoding  words,          sessions and interactive storytelling
               understanding texts,  and developing              activities.
               a  love  for  reading,  which  significantly  •  Engaged       teachers     in    training
               impacts their academic performance.               sessions on differentiated instruction
                                                                 techniques for struggling readers.
               Justification                                  •  Provided reading materials and tools
                       The implementation  of Project            suited to the learners’ needs.
               “I  DREAM” is  essential in  bridging the
               literacy gap and ensuring that struggling  Stakeholder Involvement
               readers gain the skills needed to succeed  •  Teachers facilitated reading sessions
               academically and  beyond. Reading  is a           and monitored progress.
               cornerstone skill that affects all areas of  •  Parents       supported     learners     at
               learning; thus, students who fail to master       home by creating reading-friendly
               it are at risk of falling  behind in other        environments.
               subjects. By providing a tailored program  •  LGUs provided funding for resources
               that identifies individual learning needs,        such as books and training materials.
               employs evidence-based strategies,  and
               promotes a positive  reading culture,  Challenges and Solutions
               this initiative aligns with educational  •  Challenge:  Limited  resources for
               priorities of equity and inclusivity.             reading materials.
                                                              •  Solution:     Partnered     with    local
               Problem Addressed                                 government and non-governmental
                       Struggling  readers  in  JHS  and         organizations for donations.
               SHS face difficulties in achieving grade-
               level literacy, affecting overall academic  RESULTS OF THE PRACTICE
               performance.                                   •  Before: Struggling readers exhibited
                                                                 low  reading comprehension scores,
               Opportunity Created                               and teachers had limited resources to
                       This project provides targeted            address individual learning needs.
               interventions and literacy programs  •  After: Implementation of Project I
               to enhance reading comprehension,                 Dream resulted in a 68% improvement
               contributing  to  the  goal  of  functional       in reading comprehension scores, as
               literacy for all learners.                        shown in the following table. Student
                                                                 engagement  and  confidence  also

                 Student Group       Pre-Project       Number of         Post-Project     Improvement
                                      n Number          Identified     Number of  stu-         (%)
                                     of students        struggling       dents with
                                      assessed          students          improved

                    Struggling          1837                5                17                68
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130