Page 3 - Altana Literature Final_Neat
P. 3

About Us

                                                          9 guys, a cigar

                                                          box, &
                                                          a boxcar.                                 SPREADING

                                                          It’s been 75 years since
                                                          9 Montana

                                                          refi nery workers
                                                          pooled their money
                                                          in a cigar box inside

                                                          an empty boxcar.

                                                          The first loan was used

                                                          to purchase a sewing
                                                          machine. The rest, as

                                                          they say, is history.

         The cooperative spirit that shaped our

         philosophy – a desire to promote
         thrift and savings in an eff ort to
         improve the financial lives of members                                     40

         and their families – is alive and well.



                                                                                         It’s not work

                                                                                         if you love it.
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