Page 4 - Maximise Child Development - Brochure
P. 4
Our History
We are the Johnsons family, from the UK & During our time spent here, we noticed
Hong Kong. We have lived in Phuket since July, there are also other families in similar
2022. We choose to reside in Phuket for its natu- situations, either having special needs
ral lifestyle and holistic medical treatment for children or staying in Phuket for an inde-
our son Max, who is a brain cancer survivor. terminate time with no access to regular
Despite the medical resources and support we schooling. That was when we made a deci-
received for Max, we struggled to find a school sion to centralise everything we have
that can provide him education and, at the same found to help Max and other children like
time, the intensive rehabilitation that he needs. him to create a place where he can learn
Max has mobility issues, speech challenges and and focus on his rehabilitation. The con-
developmental delay, resulting from multiple cept of Maximise was born, to connect
brain surgeries, after discovering a tumour in rehabilitation with education.
his brain when he was a toddler.
After living with Max’s condition for
We spent months to find various specialists in years, we understand more than anyone
different places on the island to meet Max’s the importance to treat not only the child,
needs. Initially, we thought we would but the whole family. We adopt a holistic
home-school him, as most schools do not have approach to give families support. We
the right physical environment. However, soon would love to share our experience with
we realised Max was much happier when he was
with other children. Indeed, emotional growth other parents and caretakers who have
and social development is an important aspect special needs children, besides providing
of a child’s development that we should not therapy and education.
ignore. The only place we thought that was safe We truly believe by offering the right
enough was a playroom, where measures have assessment and support, every family can
been taken to offer a child-proof space for chil- Maximise the benefit of their time here in
dren to play in. As a result, we had been taking Phuket and enjoy life on this paradise
him to different playrooms in Phuket while island, like we do.
arranging rehabilitation with different thera-