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About Jamini Astrology &
Among the various system of predictive astrology, Jaimini Sutras, (also
called as Upadesa Sutras) is an ancient Sanskrit text on the predictive part
of Hindu astrology, attributed to Maharishi Jaimini, the founder of
the Purva Mimamsa branch of Hindu philosophy, a disciple of
Rishi Vyasa and grandson of Parashara. It comprises nine hundred and
thirty-six sutras or aphorisms arranged in four chapters, and though having
several distinct features of its own, the Jaimini System, which is a unique
system, appears as an offshoot of the Parashari System only; wherever it
deviates, it is not found to be in conflict with the Parashari system, and
gives due importance to Rahu and Ketu, the two Lunar Nodes.
Jaimini Sutras, arranged in four chapters, covers
1. Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada and Navamsa in the first
2. Longevity, Diseases, Profession, Progeny and Spouse, in the
3. Longevity, Nature and cause of death, in the third;
4. It covers the account of pre-natal epoch and in the fourth chapter.
The Jaimini System of prognostication is distinctly different from the
Parashari System, the basic differences being with regard to Rasi aspects,
determination of Karakas, Badhaka bhavas and the Dashas. In Jaimini
System, aspect has been assigned to the Rasis or signs which are
synonymous with Bhavas or Houses, the Karakas are fixed according to
longitudes gained by planets in particular signs, the Dashas are assigned
to signs, and the method of determination of Badhakas is far more
complicated, and its prediction-method based on Padas is also different.
Jaimini developed almost a new system which did not prove popular
because principles presented in the shape of sutras are always capable of a
variety of interpretations. Jaimini appears to have favored Charadasha not
49 | P a g e Concept of Astrology & Understanding Atmakarka Planets