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6. Venus
If, your Atma Karaka planet is Venus or Shukra in Sanskrit. Venus is the
planet of beauty, romance, love, passion, creativity, pro-creation, creative
life force, relationships, femininity, art and artistry, music. Physically, Venus
relates to the reproductive tissues of the body (semen and ovaries) hence
the correlation to procreation as well as the hormones that regulate
sexuality. Venus also correlates to the immune system and it is well known
that love boost immunity and gives a new propensity for life. Art and
creativity are just another expression of the act of creation. Venus is also
water, which has a life-giving quality to it. Water literally gives life- to all
expressions of Nature. Venus can give rejuvenation and health as a result
and is responsible for the life-giving qualities that sustain us.
Through procreation a soul can be reborn into a human body, thus Venus
give us an opportunity at life. Venus is also a guru (teacher) to the demons
(asuras), literally to those who don't see the light. Jupiter is the guru of the
devas (gods). Venus is considered our "lower nature" because it represents
our base desires, instincts. It can be connected to overindulgences as a
result. Because Venus is an expression of Rajas (guna), at its worst it can
create overindulgence and cravings for intoxicants- especially alcohol and
sugar- as well as lust and strong desires for "love". Pure love is a deva
emotion, while jealousy, greed and hatred are asura (demon) emotions.
Because Venus is naturally associate with art and creativity, including music
and singing, Venus Atma Karaka indicates that the soul is here to learn the
elements of creative acts and creative process. Beauty is important to you as
well as being involved with the act of creating and being creative- art is
naturally an essential tool for learning and growing in this awareness. Venus
AK also means you will be navigating sexual impulses and relationships as
well. Part of your work will include navigating and controlling your sexual
energy, refraining from lust and illegitimate sex. Working on relationships
and being in relation are key concepts for you. Lakshmi is the deity
associated with Venus. She is the embodiment of wealth, prosperity and the
91 | P a g e Concept of Astrology & Understanding Atmakarka Planets