Page 10 - THEN102 Pili Aimeil Jashpher Prefinal Exam
P. 10

I hope you remember every awarding ceremonies that

     you have attended with me, regardless if it is a big or small

     awards. Do you remember my novice swimming meets?

     You actually travelled for 2 hours to watch me leave my

     opponents in the dust, or make them drink water since its

     more appropriate as I swim for a medal. Do you remember

     my elementary, junior high school, and senior high school

     graduation? You always told me that the only thing you

     want  is  to  sit  on  the  front  part  of  the  venues  during

     awarding ceremonies. For me, it was both a challenge and

     a blessing, since you were not that strict in my academic

     endeavors, but you were also supportive to the point that

     you did not want to pressure me in achieving things. You

     were always proud of me, with or without awards. I am

     thankful  for  that.  Although,  I  really  hate  to  admit  that

     college messed me up. I might not be able to bring you with

     me in the stage when I received my diploma. I did my best,

     but my Laude standing are already out of my reach even

     before I transferred to a different school. I am deeply sorry

     for that.
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