Page 5 - Park Heritage Brochure_Feb2021_updated 2.3
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Healthy & Sustainable Building Design Healthy building design begins at the parking garage and flows all the way through the lobbies, elevators,
and workspaces of the modern day office. It is inherently about understanding the path of the worker and
creating as many healthy opportunities for each person as possible.
Quick access to open and safe green Access to natural air and light throughout
Blending Indoor space for fresh air and exercise as well Increased the building
& Outdoor as the ability to work anywhere Ventilation
Voice and motion activated technology Monitor office occupancy for density and
from elevators to conference rooms to 6ft safe distancing leveraging equipment and
Touchpoints reduce touchpoints throughout Social IoT sensors and analytics
Certification for occupants that Increased signage and wayfinding to
promotes the health and wellness encourage pandemic protocols
Fitwel & WELL of employees Increased
Certification Signage &
Building systems such as HVAC Hygiene stations throughout all public
maintenance and advanced filtration areas
Air & HVAC
Filtration Clean Contact