Page 3 - Park Heritage Brochure_Feb2021
P. 3

Park Heritage is the Next

                                                  Generation of Mixed-Use


           Healthy Building                   Location                  True Mixed-Use                 Purpose Built                   Easy Access

        Delivering the “NEXT          As the old saying goes         Office, residential, retail,   KDC will deliver the true    At the intersection of
        GENERATION” of the            in real estate - Location,     entertainment, services,      build-to-suit experience      I-635 and Preston Road,
        office building that          location, location! Park       restaurants, hospitality      that will perfectly fit your   the high-traffic area is
        responds to and delivers      Heritage DELIVERS!             and outdoor spaces            needs.                        highly visible, accessible
        a healthier occupant.                                                                                                    and delivers movements
                                                                                                                                 in every direction.
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