Page 3 - Park Heritage Brochure_Feb2021_with Rustic pages_abridged version
P. 3


                                                                                                          PROXIMITY TO

                                                                                                          AFFLUENT, STYLISH,
                                         10 MI
                                         1,383,747 people
                                                                                                          ACTIVE PROFESSIONALS,
                                         $105,886 hhi                 Plano

                                         5 MI             University of Texas
                                         380,176 people   at Dallas
                              Dallas North Tollway
                                         $113,825 hhi                                                     & STUDENTS
                                         3 MI
                                         138,438 people
                                         $114,969 hhi                                                     Park Heritage will place retailers within easy reach of the
                                                                                                          wealthiest and most highly educated communities in the
                                  Dallas                                                                  Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Affluent, trend-conscious,
                        Park                                                                              and culturally savvy people ranging from college students
                                         PARK HERITAGE                                   Garland          and professionals to young families will support a breadth of
                                         IN MIDTOWN                                                       complementary retail offerings and generate foot traffic throughout the
                                                                                                          day, every day of the week.
 DFW Airport
                                                                                                                  Midtown Is...
                                                                                                          Easily accessible to the wealthiest communities in the
                                                                        635                                        Softer Urban
        35E       Dallas                                                                                  Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, including University Park
                  Love                                                                                    and Highland Park
                  Airport                                                                                  Connecting & Collaborating

                                             Southern Methodist                                       Collection of Live, Work, Play in Park
                                             University                                                   Within close proximity to educated, upwardly mobile
                                                                                                          students and staff at the University of Texas and Southern
                                            University Park                                                  Forerunners of All Ages
                                                                                                          Methodist University
                                                                                                                Curated Moments
                                              Highland Park
                                                                                                          Ideal demographic match for upscale and luxury retailers,
                                                                                                                 Thoughtful Living
                                                                                                          restaurants, and entertainment providers
                              Dallas                                                                             Community Hub
                              District                                                                    Median annual household income over $105,000 within
                                                                                                                 Forward thinking
                                                                                                          a three-, five-, and ten mile radius of the property

                                         DOWNTOWN                                                         More than 1.3 million people live within a 10-mile radius,
                                         DALLAS                                                           of which more than 38,000 live within 5 miles

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