Page 5 - Parkside Brochure_Floor Plans_final
P. 5

flexible. resourceful.
                                                                   e cient.

      Mechanical                                                   The new o ce: fashioned to enable
                                                                   growth and empower success                                                

      Office                                                                                                                            




      Sky Lobby


 Collaboration  Lobby & Retail                                 
 with a View                                                           
                                                                

 •  Level 14
 •  29,659 RSF
 28,977 RSF

 •  Perimeter o ce plan
   e ciently accommodates
   today’s law firms
           •  Level 26
           •  19,959 RSF
                                                                      
 There’s no substitute for in-person collaboration. However, connecting with your employees in unprecedented circumstances demands break-
 through creative design. Parkside Uptown reconsiders how and where work gets done and reimagines the entire concept of the workplace.  •  Expansive floorplates    
              support socially distanced                                                                           
                                                                                                                      
 In this new era, agility and innovation are absolutely necessary to rise above present challenges and prepare   Reimagines   workspaces    
 for  an  indefinite  future.  Parkside  Uptown’s  revolutionary  design  allows  your                                 
   business  to  achieve  optimal
 right-sized  operational  eciencies  at  any  stage.  An  oset  core  and  expansive  floor-to-ceiling  windows   the entire   •  Optional raised-floor access      
 accommodate spacious open floorplans – properly distancing workspaces and setting a bold tone for your  concept of            
         makes adapting to      
 creative  enterprise.  Raised  floor  access  also  provides  for  flexible  planning  and  minimally  disruptive   the workplace.    future growth easy    
 reconfigurations as your needs change.
                                                                                                                          
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                                                          
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