Page 9 - Park Heritage Brochure_Feb2021
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Our track record gives KDC the ability to navigate Corporate America finds us an easy choice. We do
and execute anywhere in the country. what we say, and we have never been party to a
law suit. KDC is a dependable partner because we
EXPERIENCE. deliver results.
KDC has completed more than 145 corporate build-
to-suit projects valued at over $9 billion and totaling WE ARE A PARTNER.
more than 36 million SF. KDC thinks like an owner, on behalf of our clients.
We understand this is not a KDC building, but a
FINANCIAL STRENGTH. client’s home, and we like to align interests with
KDC has a strong balance sheet, numerous bank the client early in the process.
relationships, and a proven record with top financial
institutions. KDC does not rely on third party equity SPEED TO MARKET AND ABILITY TO EXECUTE.
sources. KDC has a full team of development professionals
and project managers necessary to deliver projects
TENANT FOCUSED DEVELOPER. of all sizes and complexities.
We negotiate a fair development fee/return on cost,
and we quickly get on the tenant’s side of the table. NO RISK EXPOSURE/GUARANTEE.
We competitively bid every aspect of a job, and get KDC will assume 100% of financing, construction,
the best product for the best value for our clients. and schedule risk for the project. We provide a full
guarantee for Cost, Schedule, Safety, and Quality on
HUMILITY AND SERVANT MENTALITY. our projects. We pay penalties if we don’t perform.
If KDC is fortunate enough to be selected as a
development partner, we will serve without ego. WE ARE COMPLETELY OPEN BOOK.
These aren’t KDC buildings, they are tenant homes. We completely open our books on development
projects. Every cost, from our fees to subcontract
pricing, is visible to the tenant and the landowner.