Page 85 - HSE -Zero is Possible_v1.0
P. 85
Upgrading the
RMX fleet Cement and
The future is here MEXICO Ready-mix
Description Results/Impacts
Installation of a cutting • Improved driver
edge solution to reduce behavior - the number of
road incidents (AI Dashcam). road violations dropped
It analyzes road by 30% over 6 months
conditions ahead and • Protect drivers against
driver’s behavior to false claims and reduce
help avoid collisions fleet management cost
by providing alerts on: • Reduce blind spots
freewheeling, overspeed, • Easier, less time Jaime Hill Tinoco
harsh driving, hard turn consuming and more CEO
and collision accurate on-road
incident investigations
Key success factors
• Clear roadmap and
resource allocation
• Mapped key suppliers
• Real time monitoring
and Dashcam alerts
integrated into driver Óscar Araya Sánchez
feedback program Head of HSSE