Page 31 - Zero is Possible - Volume 2 Grey
P. 31

Lägerdorf & Mendiger Plants

       From waste dust to a very

       special binder                                                                                        GERMANY  Cement

       Opportunity               Results
       Develop a new product     •  In the first year, 3,500
       portfolio of special binders   tonnes of bypass dust were
       for ground stabilization by   converted from landfill
       utilizing volcanic tuff and   waste, resulting in savings of
       bypass dust, which also offers   approximately 100,000 CHF
       an environmentally friendly   •  A new silo was constructed,
       solution for managing kiln   and logistics processes were
       bypass dust from cement    established to transport
       plants.                    bypass dust from cement
                                  plants to a newly acquired site                                       Thorsten Hahn
       Solution                   with trass deposits                                                      CEO
       Mix significant quantities   •  As part of the ongoing
       of bypass dust from the    project, we are fine-tuning
       Lägerdorf plant with volcanic   the product mix for final
       tuff to create a new binder   tests and approvals, with
       specifically designed for   the goal of eventually
       strengthening humid soils   converting all surplus
       and stabilizing ground. This   bypass dust from German
       innovative product is already   cement plants into the new
       being used at our sites,   soil stabilizer                                                     Miriam Sommerfeld
                                                                                                          Head of
       both improving the ground                                                                         Environment
       stability and diverting waste
       from landfills.

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