Page 130 - Zero is Possible - Volume 2
P. 130
Conco Limestone Mine
UNITED STATES Aggregates Ventilation is a breeze Cutter Drill
portion of the mine. Both
auxiliary fans are rated at
At Conco underground
limestone mine, mining
engines to help minimize
activities developed into
Diesel Particulate Matter
Level 3. This posed a new 180 kCFM and have Tier IV
challenge of circulating and NOx emissions.
fresh air throughout the Air curtains, traffics
new operating area of routes, fuel, and mobile
Level 3. The challenge equipment engines were
was to dilute emissions all evaluated to further
created through fuel lessen emissions into the Bore Auxiliary fan
combustion. operating area. *All photos were taken during the project.
David Redfern Access to the fan falls under an exclusion zone and is restricted
CEO Solution Results until LOTOTO procedures are followed.
A 12’ diameter raised Sampling analysis
bore was drilled 50’ deep showed a decrease in
between Level 2 and Level Total Carbon by 60% and
3 allowing for 202 kCFM Elemental Carbon by 65%
of fresh air to now enter once the raised bore was
Level 3. Additionally, drilled and auxiliary fans
two auxiliary fans were were strategically placed.
introduced into the Periodic monitoring is
Scott Jacoby environment to help push done by the site on a
VP Health, Safety & Risk fresh air into the southern biannual frequency.