Page 4 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
P. 4


        Back Cover Story: Florida Consortium for Medical Marijuana                                                             Ayr Wellness
                                                                                                                         Launches Premium
        Clinical Outcomes Research: A Beneficial Program
                                                                                                                        Flower Brand, Kynd

         Continued from back cover           and industry. This includes a quarterly   icine at Ohio State University, and Dr.   in Florida
          *Florida Memorial University       newsletter and an annual report that   Kent Hutchison, a professor of psychia-
          *Florida State University          share many nuggets of information for   try at the University of Colorado in   Ayr Wellness announced it has expanded
          *University of Central Florida     all stakeholders. As noted in the “Winter   Boulder.                     its extensive product portfolio available at
          *University of Florida             2021 Medicament” newsletter published   There are many more programs spon-  Liberty Health Sciences (“Liberty”) dispen-
          *University of Miami               by the Consortium, “a lack of cannabis   sored by the Consortium that have rap-  saries statewide with the addition of its, pre-
          The need for research in this area driv-  use assessments contributes to under-  idly developed as reputable statewide   mium flower brand, Kynd.
         en by our flagship institutions is sup-  documenting cannabis use, unprepared   offerings. To learn more about these pro-  Kynd’s artisanal whole flower is crafted in
         ported by the more than 650,000     clinicians, low quality health record   grams you can visit the website    small batches under highly-trained and pas-
         Floridians now holding medical marijua-  data, and limited research on a wide     sionate specialists. All 45 Liberty dispen-
         na cards. Since its inception, the   array of cannabis-related health out-                                   saries across Florida will initially carry the
         Consortium grants program has awarded   comes.”                            Dr. Jeff G. Konin is a Clinical Professor in   meticulously developed strains Blueberry
         30 researchers from 7 of the 9 member   On May 19th – 20th of 2022 the    the Department of Athletic Training in the   Headband, Extraterrestrial Bananas, and
         institutions a total of over $2 million.   Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research   Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and   True OG, with Purple Trainwreck,
         Recent awarded projects have studied   Conference will be held in Orlando and   Health Sciences at Florida International   Polyjuice #4, and Lemon Haze following in
         the acceptance of medical marijuana and   will serve as a valuable opportunity to   University (FIU) where he directs the   the coming days and weeks. Kynd was pre-
         CBD as a form of palliative care, charac-  exchange ideas, findings, and potential   Global Initiative for Cannabinoid   viously only available in Nevada for dis-
         terizing adverse drug events reported   for future collaborative work. This year’s     Research and Education.   cerning consumers. “Kynd delivers world-
         with cannabis use, cannabis and its role   keynote speakers will include Dr. Staci                           class strains that are pure, potent, and con-
         with acute and chronic pain, inflamma-  Gruber from McLean Hospital in       To learn more about FIU’s cannabinoid   sistent,” said Katie Sutton, vice president of
         tion, neuropathies, and fibrosis to name   Massachusetts who heads up the        research and education initiative   retail at Ayr Wellness. “Florida patients
         a few. Specific conditions being studied   Marijuana Investigations for Neuro -     you can visit their website at   deserve high-quality whole flower experi-
         have included Crohn’s disease, diabetes,   science Discovery (MIND) program, Dr.   ences and will have a variety of Kynd offer-
         anxiety,  anorexia  nervosa,  and   Samer Narouze who serves as the              Views represented in this column   ings ahead of the 4/20 holiday.”

         headaches.                          President of the American Society of                  do not reflect that of    For more information about Ayr Wellness
          The Consortium provides resources   Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine   Florida International University and are   or to locate your nearest dispensary,
         for patients, practitioners, researchers,   who is a professor in the College of Med -  solely attributed to Dr. Jeff G. Konin.
                                                                                                                                   please visit

                                                                                                      July 29-31, 2022
                                                                                                            Rosen Centre Hotel
                                                                                                              Orlando, Florida

                                                                                                        The Inaugural

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports

                                                                                                           (CIS 2022)

                                                                                                      6FLHQWLÀF %DVHG

                                                                                           Presentations for the Use of

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports.

                                                                                              For more info view this link:
                  This conference is designed to foster education on
                              the use of cannabis in sports!

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                                  May 2022                         49
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