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                                PRIME VASCULAR INSTITUTE

        Joseph Ricotta, MD, MS, DFSVS, FACS

          Dr. Joseph Ricotta is the National Medical Director for Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at
        Tenet Healthcare. Dr. Ricotta was the first in Florida to perform the transcarotid artery revascularization
        (TCAR) procedure, a clinically proven, minimally invasive and safer approach for the treatment of
        carotid artery disease and to prevent future strokes for high surgical risk patients. In 2021, Dr. Ricotta,
        a TCAR Clinical Operator of Experience, completed his 200th TCAR procedure at Delray Medical Center
        a national TCAR Center of Excellence. In addition, Dr. Ricotta was the first surgeon in the U.S. to per-
        form endovascular robotic surgery using the Corindus CorPath® GRX Robot for peripheral vascular
        procedures. He was also the first in the Southeastern U.S. to perform the VenaSeal™, a vein disease, closure procedure for the
        treatment of venous insufficiency. Dr. Ricotta also specializes in the treatment of aortic and peripheral aneurysms, pulmonary
        embolism, peripheral arterial disease and limb salvage. Additionally, Dr. Ricotta provides care for venous disease, varicose veins,
        May-Thurner Syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, renal and mesenteric disease, and dialysis access. Dr. Ricotta is dedicated to
        training tomorrow’s physicians as the Program Director of Vascular Surgery Fellowship at the Charles E. Schmidt College of
        Medicine at Florida Atlantic University.


        Dror Paley, MD, FRCSC

          Dr. Dror Paley is an internationally renowned orthopedic surgeon with 35-years of experience and
        over 20,000 surgeries performed. Dr. Paley specializes in pediatric and adult orthopedics for upper and
        lower limbs including limb and stature lengthening, deformity correction and joint preservation. In
        2009, he founded the Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm
        Beach, one of the largest medical tourism institutes in the world treating patients from 50 states and over
        100 countries. The Paley Institute has 16 physicians and surgeons’ on-staff with Centers of Excellence
        in pediatric orthopedics, limb and stature lengthening, foot and ankle deformity, clubfoot, cartilage
        repair, joint replacement, hip preservation, spinal deformity, pain management, sports medicine as well as physical and occupa-
        tional therapy. Dr. Paley is fluent in six languages and opened the Paley European Institute in Poland. During his medical career,
        he has published seven books, 75 book chapters, and 179 peer reviewed articles. Holding charitable endeavors close to his heart,
        Dr. Paley runs both the Paley and the unLIMBited Foundations.

                                                                                                       Founnding Sponsor

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               March 2022                           11
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