Page 22 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 22

Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                         ST. MARY’S MEDICAL CENTER                                     PALM BEACH GARDENS MEDICAL CENTER

         Kaitlin Wilkerson, ADN, BSN, RN                                          Carole Tordi, ADN, RN

          Kaitlin Wilkerson has been close to medical field                        Carole Tordi has been a nurse for 10 years, with four
         since she was five years old. Her sister was diagnosed                   of those years spent at Palm Beach Gardens Medical
         with cancer as a two year old, and Kaitlin always                        Center. Carole cities the desire to help people and their
         remembers the nurses being so kind and caring during                     families as to why she wanted to become a nurse. Carole
         her sister’s illness. She knew then that nursing was what                says as a nurse, no matter who it is that you’re taking
         she wanted to do. Kaitlin is a nurse at the Palm Beach                   care of, always apply kindness, love and compassion.
         Children’s Hospital on the oncology unit. She loves                      Carole says it’s the interaction, relationships, and mak-
         meeting new and different people at her job. She finds it                ing a difference in people’s lives that she enjoys the most
         to be a very humbling experience, and really puts life                   about being a nurse, as well as the unlimited opportuni-
         into perspective when caring for the very sick. She                      ties. Carole’s most memorable moment was running
         thinks of the children she treats as family, and always                  into a former patient at a grocery store who told her
         says that people won’t always remember you or your                       what a difference she made while he was being treated
         name, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel. Outside of nursing,   in the hospital. When Carole isn’t working, she enjoys biking, going to the beach and
         Kaitlin enjoys hanging out with her two Chihuahuas, Weezy and Willow. She also   volunteering at her son’s school.
         enjoys going to the beach with her friends and her husband.

                                                                                  Rachel Valentine, ASN, BSN,
         Matthew Rynard, ADN, RN                                                  MSN, RN

          Matthew Rynard has spent his entire career at St.                        Rachel Valentine has a big heart, and it shows when
         Mary’s Medical Center. Matthew felt he wanted a career                   she cares for her patients at Palm Beach Gardens Medical
         where he could make a difference in someone’s life on a                  Center. Rachel wanted to become a nurse after her expe-
         daily basis, so nursing seemed like the perfect choice.                  rience as a patient-family volunteer in hospice. From
         Matt says he enjoys the sense of teamwork from his fel-                  there, Rachel never looked back, as she has spent the
         low nurses and working toward the same goal of help-                     past three years at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.
         ing others. For Matt, he feels he gets to work with his                  Rachel says what’s most rewarding about being a nurse is
         family every day. Being a nurse has allowed Matt to grow                 the ability to help someone in their darkest and scariest
         more as an individual, and it affords a perspective he                   day, and many times, see that person improve. She
         wouldn’t normally have the privilege of having other-                    always loves when former patients and their families
         wise. The biggest satisfaction Matthew gets out of being                 come back to visit once they’ve recovered. Rachel enjoys
         a nurse is when a patient returns many months later                      the close-knit bond among her co-workers. She credits the teamwork in the hospital
         after being discharged to say thank you. In Matthew’s words, “There is no other feel-  as the thing that sets Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center apart from other hospitals.
         ing like it.”
                                                                                  When Rachel isn’t taking care of patients, you can find her enjoying the outdoors with
                                                                                  her husband Matt, and her dog Remy.

                                                                                                 WEST BOCA MEDICAL CENTER

                                                                                  Yasuko Henderson, BSN, RN

                                                                                   Yasuko Henderson takes care of the tiniest of patients
                     Specializing in Medically                                    in the Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at West
                                                                                  Boca Medical Center. Yasuko has been a part of the staff
                            Complex Patients                                      at West Boca for nearly 16 years. Yasuko always finds joy
                                                                                  when she teaches a mom how to bond with their baby
                                Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred            while they’re being treated in the NICU. Helping that
                             Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term    mom experience that wonderful moment for the first
                             Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).                      time is something she always gets the most satisfaction
                                                                                  from. Yasuko says having the opportunity to get to know
                                Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality    each patient allows her to teach the parents, and encour-
                             care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade,    age them so they can be directly involved in the care of
                             we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care.
                                                                                  their baby. Yasuko’s hobbies outside of nursing include
                                Our services range from complex catastrophic      reading romance and mystery novels, watching her daughter compete at gymnastics
                             illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical    tournaments and practicing her Tae Kwon Do where she holds a 2nd degree black
           rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and    belt.
           rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented
           cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of               Julie Smith, MSN, BSN, ADN, RN
           medical conditions.
                                                                                   Julie Smith works in the emergency room at West Boca
                  Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be                          Medical Center. She loves being able to make a differ-
           recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,                       ence in someone’s life. She also says there’s nothing like
           rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case                 saving someone’s life who is in need of emergent care.
           management companies or by the patient’s family.                       Julie finds her job highly rewarding to help someone in
           In all cases family tours are encouraged.
                                                                                  need. No two shifts are alike, and there is always some-
                                                                                  thing exciting around the corner to learn. One of the
                                                                                  most memorable experiences for Julie was when she
             Kindred Hospital                  Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital   worked during Hurricane Irma both during and after the
                                                                                  storm. She really saw her team come together and work
               Fort Lauderdale                      Hollywood                     Coral Gables               The Palm Beaches
             1516 East Las Olas Blvd.                         1859 Van Buren St.                 5190 Southwest Eighth St.          5555 West Blue Heron Blvd   really hard through a difficult time. Julie is extremely
             Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301                       Hollywood, FL 33020                 Coral Gables, FL 33134               Riviera Beach, FL 33418   active outside of working. She loves being in the water,
          954-764-8900, ext. 5136                    954-920-9000                       305-448-1585                       561-904-8451   including, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, collecting seashells, reading and run-

         22                       May 2019                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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