P. 12

Cover Story:  Going Bare May

                                                                                  Carry More Risks than Rewards

                                                                                  Continued from page 1
                                                                                                                        “Doctors need to understand that the
                                                                                  out more money, which trickles down to   plaintiffs’ bar is very savvy, and they
                                                                                  higher premiums for doctors,” said   know what they can and can’t do with
                                                                                  Murphy.                              bare doctors,” Murphy said. “By going
                                                                                    Physicians, especially surgeons, are   bare, physicians lose the professional and
                                                                                  once again thinking about going bare,   experienced claims and legal representa-
                                                                                  but Murphy says that there are many   tives that their insurance companies pro-
                                                                                  things to consider before they make that   vide.”
                                                                                  choice.                               He added that bare doctors are often
                                                                                    For example, every time that a Florida   forced to testify against co-defendant
                                                                                  physician renews his or her license, they   doctors, and that the act of self-insuring
                                                                                  are required to notify the state if they   or going bare is simply the shifting of
                                                                                  have dropped their insurance. They   responsibility onto all of those who carry
                                                                                  should also carry a bond or letter of cred-  malpractice insurance.
                                                                                  it up to $250,000 in case of a judgement   “Doctors may also have a false sense of
                                                                                  against them. If there is a judgement and   security if their assets aren’t properly pro-
                                                                                  the physician does not pay, they can lose   tected,” he added, noting that due to
                                                                                  their medical license within 60 days.   changes in the law, plaintiffs’ attorneys
                                                                                    “Unfortunately, $250,000 may be inad-  can seek out and attach a medical prac-
                                                                                  equate,” said Murphy, noting that the   tice’s accounts receivable.
                                                                                  average claim payment now equals      So why go bare? It can save money on
                                                                                  $400,000. “What doctors also fail to rec-  insurance costs, and in some cases, a
                                                                                  ognize is that instead of focusing on the   physician could potentially be sued less
                                                                                  limits of liability, the real benefit of an   because they are not carrying malpractice
                                                                                  insurance policy is that legal and claims   insurance. A physician may have more
                                                                                  expenses are unlimited.              control over his or her defense and settle-
                                                                                    “If a case is significant and the injuries   ments, though a good insurance compa-
                                                                                  or damages severe enough, a very well-  ny will work with its physicians to come
                                                                                  staffed and financed law firm will keep   to an agreed-upon solution.
                                                                                  that physician in the lawsuit for as long   “Unfortunately, as the market deterio-
                                                                                  as possible,” he explained. “The physi-  rates without tort reform or systemic
                                                                                  cian will be forced to pay an exorbitant   change, it could be their only affordable
                                                                                  amount for legal defense, and at some   choice,” said Murphy. “What’s important
                                                                                  point, will be looking to settle so as not   is that before making that decision, doc-
                                                                                  to pay more legal fees, which can be hun-  tors do their homework. If going bare is
                                                                                  dreds of thousands of dollars.”      something that they are considering, they
                                                                                    Murphy also noted that many hospitals   need to understand the details of what is
                                                                                  and managed care companies now       involved when one self-insures.”
                                                                                  require physicians to carry malpractice
                                                                                    Despite a prevalent belief by doctors that   For more information, call Tom Murphy or
                                                                                  not carrying insurance and implementing   Matt Gracey at 800-966-2120 or visit
                                                                                  asset protection strategies will reduce the
                                                                                  frequency and severity of claims against
                                                                                  them, this is not always true.

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         12                        July 2022                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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