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FIME: The Transformation of Healthcare Starts Here
A wonderful opportunity for those in, • Angela LaRue, A LaRue Company, eradiology, and PACS (Picture Archive
or interested in, the medical industry to Winston-Salem, North Carolin,a Communication Systems).
get a glimpse into the future of health- • Dr. Jannis Fischer, Positrigo, Zürich, A few of the Keynote Speaker Topics:
care. Whether its products and services, Switzerland • Lessons learnt in adopting and
the latest technology, or the most current • Rashid Hameed, XpertFlow, implementing innovation to transform
data and research, you can find it all at Islamabad, Pakistan healthcare delivery systems
FIME. • Josh Rabinowitz, Articulate Labs, • Why are Digital Biomarkers the per-
Save the Date, it’s FREE to attend the Dallas, Texas fect fit for precision medicine?
31st Edition of the Florida International • Pierre Francois Migeotte, • AI in medicine – the time has come
Medical Expo, Miami Beach Convention HeartKinetics, Brussels, Belgium • Voice, Sensors, AI: Emerging Tech for
Center, July 27-29, 2022. In addition to • Dimitris Tsiokos, Bialoom, Nicosia, Health
more than 800 exhibitors with every- lies. Stop by the Charity Zone to learn Cyprus • #BreaktheBias - Women, Capital
thing from rubber gloves to robotics, more. • Thiago Tiso, Arkmeds, Winter Funding and Medical Innovation
there will be keynotes, transformation Meet the start-ups and the technolo- Garden, Florida Keynote Speakers will include
talks, a start-up competition, plus com- gies and innovations which will shape • Thomas Bailey, Gleechi, Stockholm, • Dr. Adam Landman, Brigham and
plimentary conferences and events. Plan the future: Sweden Women’s Hospital, Boston,
to spend at least one day if not all three, • Rahman Mohammed, Vivo Doc, An introduction to Florida’s Medical Massachusetts
exploring the show. The Charity Zone Dallas, Texas Marijuana Program presented by Carmen • Dr. Arash Naeim, UCLA
will be the first stop in the lobby where • Or Retzkin, Eye Control, Tel Aviv, Dixon, Nurse Consultant, Education and • Diana van Stijn, Lapsi Health,
you will be able to find out firsthand Israel Training Liaison, Office of Medical Amsterdam, The Netherlands
what a difference these 3 incredible • Ulrich Weigelt, RobotDreams Marijuana Use (OMMU). The OMMU is • Dr. Eric Eskioglu, Novant Health,
organizations are making. Mercy Ships, GmbH, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany a division of the Florida Department of Charlotte, North Carolina
with 2 floating hospitals are looking for • Livia Bors, Kinepict Health, Health. • Grzegorz Ambroziewicz, European
volunteers; doctors, nurses, medical pro- Esztergom, Hungary Florida Intercostal Reprocessing Innovation Council and SMEs Executive
fessionals and students to spend a week • Rodrigo Alves, Doctari, Chile Educators of the HSPA (Healthcare Agency (EISMEA), Brussels, Belgium
or longer, partnering with them on these • Tormod Thomsen, Picterus, Sterile Processing Association) offers in- • Jhonatan Bringas Dimitriades, JBD
splendid ships. Individuals who have Ålesund, Norway person education focused on the best in Healthcare, Medscape, Amsterdam, The
maritime experience or just want to con- • Dr Jonathan Rosenblum, Rithem regulatory compliance and patient safety Netherlands
tribute are welcome to sign up for the Life Sciences, Passaic, New Jersey with a focus on inspection and documen- • Jon Stine, The Open Voice Network,
trip of a lifetime. OneWorld Health part- • Jane Zhang, Remmie Health, tation. This will be a highly interactive Portland, Oregon
ners with communities in developing Bothell, Washington event for Sterile Processing professions • Patti Rossman, Life Science Women’s
countries and are building healthcare • Amol Karnick, KA Imaging, as well as Infection Prevention and Network, and Globiox, Inc., Austin,
facilities while training the doctors and Oakville, Ontario, Canada Operating Room professionals. Texas
staff. Volunteers are welcome, facilities • Dr. Pankajkumar Chhatrala, Telerad Conference, a one-day confer-
are in Central America and Africa. South OrthoHeal, Irving, Texas ence aims to attract hospital managers, Free to attend. Register at
Florida’s Nicklaus Children’s Hospital • Christina Drake, Kismet medical directors, distributors, and med-
with its innovative children’s heathcare Technologies, Winter Park, Florida ical equipment dealers and will highlight For more information, contact
programs is making a significant impact • Patrik Zander, RolloGuard, Ystad, radiology business challenges in magnet-
on the lives of children and their fami- Sweden ic resonance, computed tomography, tel-
4 July 2022 South Florida Hospital News