Page 27 - Cannabis News Florida July 2022
P. 27
Publisher’s Note
Publisher’s Note
# The Networking Solution!
though, we
basically live
in “vacation”
weather all
year round,
when June,
July and
August roll
around, we
can’t help
thinking of
summer as
Sometimes making even the slightest progress these sultry days can seem like
rolling a really large boulder up an equally steep hill. First you try to schedule
SOUTH FLORIDA that important meeting — next to impossible when all the key players are on
vacation. Then you can’t quite finalize that pitch deck when there’s no one to
sign off on it. What’s a body to do? Well, that’s when I choose to dust myself
off and find who’s left behind.
Several years ago (on these very pages), I noted how Carol tends to push the
envelope and use really big words around me. (In the early years of our mar-
riage, I tried to look them up in the dictionary, relying on Webster’s to commu-
nicate with my wife! But after 51 years of marriage, my blank stare usually elic-
its a basic definition from her.) Anyway, that day the particular word she used
to describe me was “ubiquitous” – because I try to be everywhere, meet every-
one AND anyone, and I’m always trying to figure out ways to link all these
folks together into one big NETWORK! Just consider me “Tinder” for the
healthcare industry. You never know when that cup of coffee can turn into
business down the road.
And to get you in the spirit (and out of your pjs), our COVID-stalled South
Florida Healthcare Networking Group is back in action and face to face! By the
time you read this, we’ll have had our first in-person meeting on June 30th at
Wellington Regional Medical Center. We quickly filled our limit of all 30
attendee spots, so it’s never too early to send in your registration form for our
next in-person meeting in July at The Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health &
Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. (This meeting on Friday,
July 22, also will be limited to the first 30 registrants.)
Unfamiliar with our SFHNG Networking Group … no problem. We’re basi-
Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties cally like 22nd century speed-dating. No compulsory membership fees or big
U.S. News & World Report 2021-22 speeches. We just get together, introduce ourselves, and of course, eat. To
receive information about our July and future meetings, email me at But as I said earlier, it’s not the more
the merrier anymore. Our registration is limited to the first 30 paid reservations
… no exceptions.
4 YEARS IN A ROW about the food!
And if you think it’s too hard to get up that morning … think
Charles Felix
P.S. Happy Anniversary to us. We’re 19-years-old!
From our team of expert caregivers to a wide
range of specialties, we deliver the care you You can reach Charles Felix at
need, when and where you need it.
That’s why we’re South Florida’s only hospital
ranked #1 by U.S. News & World Report four
years in a row. We’re proud to serve
our communities. For routine checkups.
For life-enhancing treatments.
For every care in the world.
2 July 2022 South Florida Hospital News