P. 12

Terp Teas

          In   this  competitive                        Vibe – chillin’ in the
        industry of Hemp products,                      afternoon
        most new companies are                            Vibe combines organic
        having difficulty separating                    cherry berry hibiscus blend
        themselves as different or                      with organically grown pre-
        unique from the thousands                       mium hemp and a propri-
        of emerging newcomers                           etary blend of organic ter-
        trying to cash in on the                        penes to create a relaxing          Florida’s Resource for
        CBD rush. Most of the new                       and let go of the day “Vibe”.       Medical & Business               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        companies are white label-                                                         Cannabis Developments                  Daniel Casciato

        ing their products to sell                      Dream On –                            PO Box 812708                       Barbara Fallon
                                                                                                                                   Vanessa Orr
        and have no input in the                        sleepy time                       Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708               Lois Thomson
        development or efficacy of   BY SHAMAYA CHAH      Dream On combines                 Phone: (561) 368-6950

        their offerings.                                organic chamomile with                   Website:                        SUBSCRIPTIONS
          Mayalife, a sister compa-                     organically grown hemp               One Year - $45
                                                                                                                                  Two Years - $70
        ny of Global Advanced Botanicals (GAB),   and a proprietary blend of organic ter-                                        Three Years - $85
        has been innovative in the Hemp indus-  penes that enhance your nighttime expe-       CHARLES FELIX
        try for more than 5 years. Mayalife has   rience to dreamland.                        CAROL FELIX                 To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
        trademarked and created a new product   All of the whole hemp flower is tested                                              Or email:
        that is not commonly found in the indus-  for potency pre and post brew. Most of                         
        try. The product is Mayalife Terp Teas!   the hemp flower sourced is tested at       NANCY LAMMIE
                                                                                               JMC Graphics
          Teas have been poorly represented in   200mgs or higher(per gram) in total           Art/Production               All rights reserved. Reproduction
        the Hemp industry. The products out   cannabinoids with a dry weight of THC              In whole or part without written
        there are usually made with spraying a   at less than 0.3%.                                                            permission is prohibited.
                                                                                                                                 Copyright ©2020
        CBD isolate on the tea itself.         The post brew tests are done 3 times           JUDY GRAMM
          Mayalife Terp Teas are made with   with the same gram of flower. Each test          Editorial Manager

        whole flower hemp and 3 different teas   will steep the tea for 5 minutes in an 8
        combined with a proprietary blend of ter-  ounce cup of boiling water. It is then
        penes. The tea blends are recommended   tested for potency. The same test will
        for different times of the day to enhance   occur again 2 more times. The outcome
        your experience and desired outcome   of cannabinoids present in each cup of
        based on the terpene profile of each indi-  tea is outstanding. The first cup is gener-    Cannabis News Florida
        vidual blend. Mayalife offers the follow-  ally 45-50 mgs of CBDA, second cup 40-
        ing choices of their Terp Teas:      45 mgs of CBDA and the third cup 35-            Physician Promotion Package
                                             40mgs of CBDA.
        Arise – perfect for                    The reason that CBDA is the most
        mornings                             present cannabinoid post brew, is that to
          Arise combines organic             become activated as CBD, it has to decar-
        lemongrass, organically              boxylate at higher temperatures than   NEWSPAPER:   Three Business Card (4-7/8” x 2”) black and white adsΎ (must be in consecutive
        grown premium hemp and               boiling water (212*F). Not only are   months).
        a proprietary blend of    PREMIUM HEMP TEA  these Terp Teas safe and effective, they

        organic terpenes that create         are THC free.                         ARTICLE: Physician will contribute an article of 350 wordsΎ. This article will appear in one of the three
        a refreshing, focused, seize    with all Natural Flavors  Add a little honey and lemon, sit back   newspapers containing the Business Card ad and in one of the e-newsletters during the three-month
        the day attitude.           5 TEA BAGS  and relax and above all ENJOY!
                                    150 mg CBD

                                   1000 mg 1 fl oz (30ml)
                                                                                   E-MAIL BLAST: Cannabis News Florida will send out one e-mail blast promoting the Physician to the
                                                                                   other physicians in two zip code areas to be determined by the Physician.

                                                                                   The cost of this program is $500.
                                                                                   *Cannabis News Florida can ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞ the ad ĂŶĚ ĂƌƚŝĐůĞ for the Physician for an additional cŚĂƌŐĞ͘

                                                                                                 Contact Charles Felix at 954-605-4785
                                                                                     or for more information.

         25                       April 2020                                                                                                                                             Cannabis News Florida
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