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Kendall Regional Medical Center Becomes a Leading Healthcare

                                    Provider in Doral with the Opening of the City’s

                                          First Ever Freestanding Emergency Room

             With Doral being the fastest growing city in
           Florida, healthcare is a topic that has been on the
           minds of the city’s 68,000 residents for a few years
           now. Fortunately, Kendall Regional Medical and
           Trauma Center is opening the first ever freestand-
           ing Emergency Room in Doral, making them the
           leading healthcare provider in the thriving city. The
           hospital celebrated their $10 million project with a
           VIP Ribbon Cutting that brought together the City
           of Doral government, Miami-Dade County
           Commissioners, State Representatives, City of
           Doral Police and Fire Rescue, Doral Homeowner
           Associations and many more.
             The freestanding emergency room will offer full
           service emergency care (including pediatrics)   Dr. Joseph Averbach
           within the 10,500-square-foot facility.
             “The advantage to coming to our facility is that we’re a full-service emergency
           department,” says Joseph Averbach, M.D., medical director of emergency medi-
           cine for Kendall Regional Medical Center. “We can offer all services: CAT scan,
           ultrasound and complete on-site lab services, unlike an urgent care.” Also of
           note: the center is staffed by board certified emergency medicine physicians and
           nurses. Says Dr. Averbach, “We can handle the sicker patients.”        Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, State Attorney for Miami-Dade
             Growing in popularity around the country, freestanding emergency rooms offer
           the same benefits and quality of care as hospital emergency rooms, operating 24   County in Florida Kathy Rundle, City of Doral Vice Mayor Claudia Mariaca, Kendall
           hours a day and making use of high-tech diagnostic tools. Freestanding ER’s are   Regional Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Brandon Haushalter, Kendall Regional
           legally required to operate 24 hours a day, are always staffed with on-site doctors   Medical Center Chief of Staff Dr. Georges Saliba and City of Doral Mayor J.C.
           and provide all members of the community with a medical screening. The Doral   Bermudez cut the ribbon honoring the opening of the Doral Emergency Room.
           center offers patients access to more than 40 medical personnel and was initially
           conceived as a way to address the lack of emergency services in the area.
             “It’s a true honor and pleasure to be the medical director of Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Doral Emergency Room Department,” says Dr. Averbach of the 11-bed
           center, which has a sister freestanding ER in Town & Country. “On behalf of myself and my team of doctors, we look forward to being a part of and working for the
           Doral community.”

                                              Cover Story: Coral Gables Seeks Advanced Certification for

                                              Orthopedic Center of Excellence

                                              Continued from page 1
                                              are a reputable organization, so we   it's worked really well."          charging patients to home after the hos-
                                              decided to look at the parameters they   It has worked so well that Coral   pital. They rehab better, they recover bet-
                                              set to establish a Center of Excellence."   Gables is now seeking advanced certifi-  ter, their infection rates and their post-
                                                Dr. Beauperthuy-Rojas said the hospi-  cation for its program. Dr. Beauperthuy-  operative complication rates decrease
                                              tal developed a team of social workers,   Rojas  explained  that  the  Joint  when they go home versus going to
                                              pharmacy, physical therapy, floor nurs-  Commission has a next level that is an   another facility."
                                              ing personnel, etc., and put together a   advanced certification. Once a hospital   Another example is how, with some of
                                              program that would result in getting   receives its Certification of Excellence,   the implementations, readmission rates
                                              identical care for everybody. "Following   other criteria need to be met for the   have dropped dramatically post-opera-
                                              the parameters and guidelines of the   advanced – more things that need to be   tively after discharge. "It's all criteria that
                                              Joint Commission, we had to establish   charted to show that the right thing is   Medicare looks at, and we're able to
                                              several criteria, and in doing that we   being done, and that improvements are   show we've decreased those factors.
                                              noticed that we were already accom-  continually being made on what has   Those are the most important criteria in
                                              plishing a lot of those things; we just   already been established.      helping reduce costs for the patient, the
                                              needed to document it, and show the   "We already sent out our application   hospital, the insurance company, for
                                              results and improvement that we were   because we have made those changes as   everybody, and still deliver good quality
                                              getting with those results." He added   we've gone along the past two years, and   health care."
                                              that Coral Gables was the first, and may   we're ready to prove to the Joint   Dr. Beauperthuy-Rojas emphasized
                                              still be the only, hospital in Miami-Dade   Commission that we have not remained   that this is not a "one-person show," that
                                              County to achieve the Joint Commission   still on this. We have continued to   many people have been involved. He
                                              certification for the Center of Excellence   improve our program, we have contin-  specifically mentioned Chief Nursing
                                              for total knees and total hips.     ued to show things we've done that   Officer Jessica Miller, CEO Cristina
                                                He admitted it makes him feel good to   deliver better health care."   Jimenez, and Chief Orthopedic Nurse
                                              know that they are doing the right thing   He gave an example of discharging the   Yinnette Lamas. "I give a lot of credit to
                                              and the results show it, but added that   patients to home. "When we started this   those three individuals for really pushing
                                              the program is not static. "We have not   program, most of our patients were   forward the objectives of the program
                                              been stagnant, we've adapted and    going to a skilled nursing facility or a   and championing the program to make it
                                              changed things as needed. We send out   rehab facility post-surgery. We have   the success it's been."
                                              surveys, we have nursing and patient   established within the program getting
                                              input, and if we see that we can do better   family members and patients more          For more information, call
                                              in a department, we're willing to change.   involved in their care, and giving better    (844) 367-4560 or visit
                                              It's quite dynamic, we change things   instruction on what needs to be done,
                                              where we see we need improvement and   and we feel very comfortable now dis-

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         20                       April 2019                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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