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          Volume 15 • Issue 7 • $5.00               January 2019

               ONCOLOGY                                     2019: A LOOK AHEAD                                                    2019:

                                                                                                                          A LOOK AHEAD
                                                Jupiter Medical Center Advancing

                                                       from Community Hospital

                                                  to Regional Medical Destination

                                               The Jupiter Medical
                                             Center Foundation has
                                             surpassed a major goal to
                                             enhance health care for
                                             residents in South Florida.
                                             In October 2018, the
                                             Foundation surpassed the
                                             $160 million mark in its
                  Dr. Marcio Fagundes        $300 million goal, allow-
                                             ing Jupiter Medical Center                                                            Maggie Gill
              How Proton                     to provide world-class,
                                             compassionate health care                                                          Changes
             Therapy Can                     close to home.                     The new Five-Story Patient Tower
                                               Jupiter Medical Center’s
                                             $300 million Vision. Innovation. Impact. Campaign has led to the hospital’s remark-  Underway at
           Improve Breast                    able growth, and demonstrates the significance of philanthropy in moving the nee-
                                             Jupiter Medical Center must continue to evolve into a regional medical destination  Delray and Tenet
                                             dle toward greater health care in our region. To meet patients’ health care needs,
                                             that is comprised of Centers of Excellence—world-class clinical programs that are
               Treatment                     comprehensive and highly specialized. This includes recruiting first-rate physicians   Palm Beach
                                             and adopting a multidisciplinary model of care often found in the nation’s leading
                                                                                                  Continued on page 14
                BY CAROL HIGGINS
                                                                                                                          with New CEO
          Radiation therapy is an effective treat-          2019: A LOOK AHEAD
        ment for breast cancer, but like other                                                                              at the Helm
        therapies it often comes with side
        effects. Some of the most serious,              A Message from David N.
        including damage to the heart, may not                                                                                 BY VANESSA ORR
        appear until years later.                              Kenigsberg, M.D.,
          Now, proton therapy is receiving                                                                              When Maggie Gill accepted a position
        growing interest for the treatment of       President, Broward County Medical                                 this past September as the CEO of
        breast cancer, especially left-sided                                                                          Delray Medical Center and Group CEO
        breast cancer which is closer to the                                                                          for the Tenet Palm Beach County hospi-
        heart.                                               Association 2018-2019                                    tals, it was more than a new job; it was
          “When we do radiation to the breast,                                                                        an opportunity to return to a place that
        especially when we’re treating all of the      BY DR. DAVID N. KENIGSBERG                                     she always loved.
        regional lymph nodes, the heart can                                                                             “I first worked for Tenet 15 years ago
        receive amounts of radiation that can   The BCMA is an organization that I joined shortly after               in Miami-Dade as a chief financial offi-
        potentially lead to heart scarring or   starting my practice in July of 2007. I was encouraged to             cer,” explained Gill. “I was excited to
        injury,” said Marcio Fagundes, M.D.,   join by physician colleagues such as Dr. Barry Galitzer and            return to South Florida—I mean, who
        medical director of radiation oncology   Dr. Nigel Spier.                                                     doesn’t want to be in Palm Beach? Both
        at Miami Cancer Institute.             Early on, I met Dr. Octavio (Tony) Prieto (who is no                   my husband and I have family here; I’m
          One method of sparing the heart of   longer with us) who, in his very unique way, expressed to              from Tallahassee, and he’s from Miami-
        such damage during radiation treatment   me the importance of organized medicine. To paraphrase               Dade. It’s a real homecoming.”
        involves proton therapy, he adds.    him, he said, physicians need to stick together, because at                In addition to her role at Delray, Gill
          “There are two ways of doing radia-  the end of the day, no one else will stand up for us or our            will be the CEO of Tenet’s Palm Beach
        tion,” says Dr. Fagundes. “One is con-  patients. At the time, I really didn’t fully comprehend his           Group, which includes Good Samaritan
        ventional X-ray therapy; another is pro-  message, but as I get older, grayer and wiser, I have begun         Medical Center, West Boca Medical
        ton therapy. Proton therapy is different   to understand what he was trying to express to me at that   Dr. David N. Kenigsberg   Center, St. Mary’s Medical Center and
        in the sense that we send the radiation   time.                                                               Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.

                         Continued on page 20                                                      Continued on page 15                 Continued on page 12
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