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                                               This Heart Month, Show You Care,

                                            Learn the Signs of Heart Valve Disease

          February is Heart Month                          The disease can be com-  toms depend on the valve affected and   relieve symptoms, and to fix the valve
        and Feb. 22, 2019 is                             plex with the potential of   could include:                  problem, if needed. Heart valve disease
        National  Heart   Valve                          multiple  valves  being   • Worsening shortness of breath with   without symptoms is usually treated with
        Disease Awareness Day. I                         involved and the possibility   physical activity or at rest    medications to relieve symptoms and with
        want to take this opportuni-                     of having regurgitation and   • Fatigue                      lifestyle modifications to decrease the risk
        ty to talk about heart valve                     stenosis on the same valve.   • Dizziness                    of developing heart failure and long-term
        disease.                                         A diseased valve or valves   • Loss of consciousness         complications. When a patient develops
                                                         can create significant pres-  • Chest pain or discomfort     severe regurgitation or stenosis with symp-
        What is heart valve                              sure changes in the heart   • Palpitations                   toms, heart valve surgery is indicated. All
        disease?                                         chambers and the blood    • Chest fluttering                 interventions should be based on individ-
          For us to talk about heart                     flow will not be as efficient.   • Leg or ankle swelling.    ual risk-benefit assessment. For example,
        valve disease, we have to                        If this happens, the heart   Over time, heart valve disease can also   If the patient has high or prohibitive risk
        understand how the heart   BY NEIL I. GALINDEZ,   will work harder trying to   cause heart failure, stroke or death due to   for mortality or complications with heart
        and its valves work. The          MD             compensate and, with time,   sudden cardiac arrest. Symptoms do not   valve surgery then the recommendation
        heart is a complex struc-                        irreversible damage can   always relate to the degree of valve disease.   should be a lesser invasive approach like a
        ture made out of special-                        develop.                                                     catheter-based therapy.
        ized muscle and connective tissue. It has   The most commonly involved valves in   Evaluation:                  We now have the technology to deploy
        four chambers that fill with blood and   adults in the U.S. are the aortic and mitral   Individuals with suspected heart valve   valves in the heart with small catheters
        contract to make circulation possible, two   valves. Mitral prolapse occurs when the   disease should have a detailed history and   that are passed through the peripheral
        atria and two ventricles. It also has four   leaflets of the valve flop back into the left   physical examination done by a cardiolo-  blood vessels, usually the femoral arteries.
        one-way valves made of thin and pliable   atrium during contraction preventing the   gist. An echocardiogram (ultrasound of   This kind of therapy is only reserved for
        connective tissue flaps called leaflets that   valve from closing well which can cause   the heart) should be done to assess the   high risk patients. Surgical intervention is
        open and close with each heartbeat. The   regurgitation.                  structure and the function the heart and   the gold standard and includes repairing
        blood flows from the right atrium to the   Many valve problems develop because   each valve. The echocardiographic find-  or replacing the heart valve. There are sev-
        right ventricle through the tricuspid valve,   of age-related factors but some valve con-  ings, in conjunction with symptom status,   eral kinds of valves and materials used for
        from the right ventricle to the pulmonary   ditions develop due to illnesses, such as   are used to determine treatment options   this purpose and their use is tailored to the
        artery and the lungs through the pulmonic   infective endocarditis which is the infec-  and timing of valve intervention. In   specific valve problem and patient. The
        valve, from the left atrium to the left ven-  tion and subsequent destruction of a heart   patients that need surgical intervention the   good news is that valve surgery is very
        tricle through the mitral valve, and from   valve. Rheumatic fever is another cause of   evaluation is best done by a group of spe-  likely to provide good outcomes; recovery
        the left ventricle to the aorta and rest of the   valve disease; it is an inflammatory reac-  cialists including cardiologists, structural   time is usually 4-8 weeks. During recovery
        body through the aortic valve.       tion that can occur after a streptococcal   interventional cardiologist and heart sur-  time patients gradually regain their energy
          Heart valve disease occurs if one or more   infection of the throat. It can affect the   geons to recommend the best therapeutic   and return to their normal activity level.
        of the heart valves don't work well. The   heart by producing inflammation of the   option as a group (heart team approach).
        valves can have three basic kinds of prob-  heart valves with subsequent scarring and   Other tests like an electrocardiogram,   Dr. Neil Galindez, Cardiothoracic Surgery,
        lems:                                damage.                              chest x-rays, stress testing and cardiac   Tenet Florida Physician Services, can be
          • Regurgitation: When the valve does                                    catheterization could be needed in the          reached at (954) 714-0686.
        not close well and allows for blood to   Symptoms of heart valve          evaluation of patients with known or sus-
        backflow.                            disease:                             pected heart valve disease. Patients with   Sources:
                                                                                                                        1. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management
          • Stenosis - When the valve is thickened   In some people the condition stays sta-  heart valve disease and changes in symp-  of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease. A Report of
        or stiff and does not open well.     ble throughout their lives without causing   toms should have a new evaluation.   the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
          • Atresia - When the valve is completely   problems or symptoms. However, heart                             Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
        closed and sealed this is usually a congen-  valve disease can worsen with time when   Treatment:             Circulation. 2014;129:e521–e643
        ital problem (something the person was   the degree of stenosis or regurgitation   The goal of treatment is to protect the   2. Heart Valve Disease. National Heart, Lung and
        born with).                          increases causing symptoms. These symp-  heart from long-term complications, to   Blood Institute. U.S. Department of Health and
                                                                                                                      Human Services. November 18, 2013.

                                      Exercise 3 Weeks After Open-Heart Surgery

            BY GEORGI MORALES PIPKIN         “There is no reason for replacement, or                                    Aortic aneurysms were the primary
                                             metallic valve or a tissue valve. I will fix                             cause of 9,863 U.S. deaths in 2014,
          Without any apparent symptoms,     your valve. We’ll fix the aneurysm.” That                                according to the U.S. Centers for Disease
        Antonios Chondros suffered from a heart   statement gave Mr. Chondros the confi-                              Control and Prevention (CDC). The con-
        condition that required open-heart sur-  dence he needed. “Since I met him (Dr.                               dition can be described as a balloon-like
        gery at Miami Cardiac & Vascular     Stewart), I said: This is it. I will do it with                          bulge in the aorta, the large artery that
        Institute.                           him.”                                                                    carries blood from the heart through the
          Years ago, one of Mr. Chondros’ cardi-  Mr. Chondros has always enjoyed                                     chest and torso.
        ologists discovered he had a heart mur-  exercising and loves playing tennis. But                               Signs and symptoms of thoracic aortic
        mur and a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV)   over the last year and a half, these activi-                          aneurysm can include:
        that was also causing an aortic aneurysm.   ties have been forbidden by his doctors.                            • Sharp, sudden pain in the chest or
        The BAV is an aortic valve that only has   Only three weeks after the open-heart                              upper back.
        two leaflets, instead of three. The aortic   procedure, he started going back to the                            • Shortness of breath.
        valve is one of four valves that regulate   gym. “I really feel grateful that right now   Dr. Allan S. Stewart shakes hands with   • Trouble breathing or swallowing.
        blood flow through the heart. Mr.    I can resume the life that I had a few        Antonios Chondros            Risk factors for aortic aneurysm
        Chondros’ condition evolved to a point   years ago,” he says. “I feel really nice   Americans,” said Marcus St. John, M.D.,   include:
        that he needed open-heart surgery.   about this.”                         an interventional cardiologist and med-  • High blood pressure
          The procedure was performed by Allan   Mr. Chondros attended the 2018   ical  director  of   the   Cardiac    • High cholesterol
        S. Stewart, M.D., chief of cardiac surgery   Miami Heart Walk with his wife and son   Catheterization Lab with Miami Cardiac   • Atherosclerosis (hardened arteries)
        at Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute.   to help raise funds for cardiovascular dis-  & Vascular Institute at Baptist Hospital   • Smoking
        Mr. Chondros said Dr. Stewart was the   ease. “It’s only been a few months after   of Miami. “Like the AHA, Miami Cardiac
        only doctor who said that his heart valve   the surgery, and it is great that, you know,   & Vascular Institute is dedicated to erad-  For more information, visit
        could be repaired.                   you feel normal again.”              icating heart and vascular disease        
          He recalls what Dr. Stewart told him:   “Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of all   through efforts like this.”

         20                       February 2019                                                                                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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