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Florida Panthers Extend                                      Cover Story: DSignage Wins Siemens Award


                       with Broward Health

            The Florida Panthers
          announced the extension of
          their partnership with Broward
          Health. As part of the partner-
          ship, Salah Foundation
          Children's Hospital at Broward
          Health will become the 'Official
          Pediatric Hospital' of the club.
            Salah Foundation Children's
          Hospital will debut a new
          Florida Panthers decorated fam-
          ily room that is expected to be
          completed by December 2019.
          "We are very excited to have
          partnered with the Florida                                               Siemens already had an existing internal   its e-TV (now Digital Engagement
          Panthers," said Gino Santorio,                                         communications channel, but it wasn't   Services, or DES) projects, and since last
          President/CEO, Broward Health.                                         practical for a variety of reasons, including   year has been working with the Siemens'
          "This agreement enables                                                screens that were poorly placed, or screens   DES team in Europe to support it in the
          Broward Health to more fully                                           that were off or weren't updating any con-  United States and Canada in implement-
          engage with our community                                              tent. DSignage went above and beyond to   ing this global initiative. Additionally,
          through a sport and team we all                                        assess the facilities, proposing realistic and   Siemens Brazil and Siemens Mexico are
          love."                                                                 creative solutions: it evaluated screen loca-  interested in executing some of their solu-
            The Florida Panthers                                                 tions and sizes, while rebuilding a more   tions.
          Foundation will award Broward                                          sophisticated solution that perfectly mold-  DSignage has helped simplify the lives
          Health with a Community                                                ed into Siemens' existing work culture.   of site communicators and IT, while max-
          Champions grant during the                                               DSignage interacted with Siemens' inter-  imizing Siemens' global digital engage-
          2019-20 season which will go towards their Child Life program.         nal costumers, accomplishing a 100 per-  ment initiative. For this reason, of more
            "As a former pediatric nurse, I have witnessed first-hand the positive   cent, on-time project implementation   than 6,000 suppliers, DSignage was one of
          impact sports can play on a child's mindset and recovery," said Broward   schedule, and an overall quality rating of   11 companies selected to receive the Small
          Health Medical Center and Salah Foundation Children's Hospital CEO     greater than 95 percent.             Business Award Supplier of the Year.
          Heather Havericak. "With the Panthers' support we will continue to ensure   This isn't the first work DSignage has
          that the kids of our community receive exceptional care through advanced   done for Siemens. It has been networking          For more information,
          technology and child life support."
                                                                                 with the corporation since 2006 on all of             visit

               Recognize the Best of the Best in Y      our Hospital by Nominating Someone for a 22020 Health Care Her             oes® A   ward

                                                                                                             Founding Sponsor

                                                                                                             Platinum Sponsor
           The Greater Miami Chhamber of Commerce is now accepting nominattions for the 2020 Health
           Care Heroes  Awards s Program; deadline is Deecember 13, 2019.                  The 223  Annual Health Care
           Heroes  Awards Lunc cheon will take place on May 19, 2020.
           An individual, organizationn, professional, student, volunteeer or program, who, through ttheir individual or collective                     Award Presenting Sponsors
           actions have made an extrraordinary impact in the Southh Florida health care communiity. Their acts of heroism
           represent a display of dedication to excellence in their arrea of expertise beyond the sccope of their jobs. Through
           their commitment to their profession and community, thhey serve as an inspiration to oothers in an effort to improve
           the quality of health care aand discover new ways to assiist those in need.
                                    • HE ALLTTH CARE PROFESSIONAL                    Physician, Dentist, Hy  ealth Care Administrat orr,, , Researcherr,, , A cademic, Inventor,                  r, ,

           Case Manager/Social Wg  orkerr, , Dietician, Mental Health Pri  ,  M  l H l h P ovider (or Professional), Speech/Physical/Occupational
           Therapist, and: other A
           Th    i    d   h  Allied Health Professionals                                                               SINCE 1980
           •  NURSE                    Nurse Pr actitionerr,, RN, LPN, A RNPP,, CRNA                         Gold Sponsors           Silver Sponsors


           •  INDIVIDUAL OF MERIT                         'TFWI 2JRGJW   5MNQFSYMWTU       UNXY  /TZWSFQNXY  ,T[JWSRJSY 4KܪHNFQ  (TR             U UFS^ TW +TZSIFYNTS                              ^

           Executive, Community Leaderr,, V olunteerr,, and individuals who have contributed to the health of community
                     ATION/PROGRAM H
           •  ORGANIZAT                ealthcare prp o vider (for example, a hospital, nursing facility or physician pr(  p ,  p  ,  g  y  p y  p  actice),
           assisted living facility, homecare, hospice, goh  i  vernment agency, school, foundation, association, bio-medicalh  l f  d i  i i  bi  di                  l








           HTRU                    ^ ^ NG   GNT                      NXHNJSHJ                    HJSYJW                      ܪܪWR                         UWTLWFR                     IFIIWJXXNSL                    WJXJFWHM  YWJFYRJSY TW  N    UM^XNHFQ                  TW

           mental disease or wellness or public health

           •  FI RSTT RESPONDER (JWYNܪJI                                                  ܪWXY WJXUTSIJW   NSIN[NIZFQ TW XJW   [NHJ  ܪWJ  RJINHFQ  UTQNHJ  RNQNYFW^   \MT                                                                                                                                       ^                                                    MFX                                    RFIJ

           XNL        LSNܪHFSY         UFHY NS 8TZYM                                U                                      NR                                                        +QTWNIF KTW IJINHFYNTS  WJXUTSXNGNQNY^  UWTK                         KJXXNTSFQ GJMF[NTW   XUJHNFQ XPNQQ TW NSXNLMY NS YMJ                                                                                                                                            W                 P P

           Emergency Medical Services environment
           •  YOUTH VOLUNTEER  any student under the age of 19 who vy  olunteers his or her services without solicitation or
           payment; winner receives a $1,000 scholarship
                                          h l
                                  $1 000
           • In addition t o the six gener al categories, the AXA ADVISORS LIFETIME ACH IEVEMENTT AW  RD goes to an
           NSIN[NIZFQ           N                                           M          N                     M                              \MT  NS MNXTW MJW                                                     NRJ  MFX RFIJFXNLSNܪHFSY NRUFHY TW HMFSLJI MNXYTW^ NS YMJ MJFQYM HFWJ NSIZXYW^ NS           K N Q QNKJYN      M                                                                                                   I        L                                       U                                                                                                                  M                         M
           South Florida, showcasing an exemplary body of a long productive career.
                F or information or sponsorship oppor tunities, contact T ania V alenzuela at tv alenzuela@miamichamber .com or 305-577-5491 or visit www .MiamiChamber .com
        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            December 2019                         25
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